
In addition to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (or Windows 2000 Server) and Microsoft Management Console (MMC) accessibility products and services, ISA Server 2006 provides keyboard shortcuts for selecting commands and for navigating in and between console panes.


As with any MMC snap-in, you can browse ISA Server Management console tree by expanding and collapsing branches by clicking the plus sign and minus sign, or by double-clicking the applicable node. The following table lists the keystrokes you can use to move in and between console panes.

Keystroke action Result
TAB Moves forward between panes in the active window.
SHIFT+TAB Moves backward between panes in the active window.
UP ARROW Moves the selection up one item in a pane.
DOWN ARROW Moves the selection down one item in a pane.
PAGE UP Moves the selection to the top item visible in a pane.
PAGE DOWN Moves the selection to the bottom item visible in a pane.
HOME Moves the selection to the first item in a pane.
END Moves the selection to the last displayed item in a pane.
RIGHT ARROW Expands the selected item.
LEFT ARROW Collapses the selected item. If the selected item does not contain hidden items, functions like the UP ARROW.

The following table lists the mouse actions you can use to move through the ISA Server Management console tree.

Mouse action Result
Click Selects an item.
Double-click Displays or hides items contained by the selected item. Displays properties for or opens an item.
Right-click Displays the shortcut menu for the selected item.

Navigation between tabs

You can move between tabs by using the Switch to command on the View menu. Press ALT+V to access the View menu, and then press W to access the Switch to command. Then, click the applicable keyboard shortcut to access the tab.

If the tab contains a list, to select an item in the list, use the DOWN ARROW key.

Keyboard shortcuts

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts for the menu commands in ISA Server Management.

Action Result
F1 Opens the Help topic, if any, for the selected item.
F5 Refreshes the content of all console panes.
ENTER Displays the properties dialog box, if any, for the selected item.
ALT+SPACEBAR Displays the ISA Server Management window menu.
ALT+F4 Closes the snap-in.
ALT+A Displays the Action menu.
ALT+V Displays the View menu.
ALT+F Displays the File menu.
ALT+H Displays the Help menu.

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