In the console tree of ISA Server Management, click
Firewall Policy.
In the details pane, click the applicable Web publishing
On the Tasks tab, click Edit Selected Rule.
On the Listener tab, select the applicable listener from
the drop-down list box. Alternatively, click New to create a
new Web listener for this rule.
To open ISA Server Management, click Start, point to
All Programs, point to Microsoft ISA Server, and then
click ISA Server Management.
For ISA Server 2006 Enterprise Edition, expand
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration
Server 2006, expand Arrays, expand
Array_Name, and then click Firewall
For ISA Server 2006 Standard Edition, expand Microsoft
Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006, expand
Server_Name, and then click Firewall
To enable single sign-on (SSO) when creating a new Web
listener, on the Authentication Settings page of the New Web
Listener Wizard, select HTML Form Authentication. The next
page of the wizard will allow you to enable SSO and provide the SSO
domain name.
In a scenario where you create a Web listener that uses
forms-based authentication and RSA SecurID, and you enable
Collect additional delegation credentials in the form, ISA
Server does not validate whether a user enters the same or a
different name for the additional credentials.
A publishing rule with a Web listener that uses a specific form
of credential validation must use a user set that is consistent
with that form of validation. For example, a publishing rule with a
Web listener that uses LDAP credential validation must also use a
user set that consists of LDAP users. It cannot include Active
Directory users.
After you click Apply in the details pane, the policy is
updated. The new policy applies only to new connections.