Published Configuration Storage Servers

Microsoft® Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 Enterprise Edition supports connecting to an alternate securely published Configuration Storage server in the event the virtual private network (VPN) tunnel normally used to connect to the Configuration Storage server is unavailable.

If the connection between the ISA Server array member and the Configuration Storage server is through a site-to-site VPN connection, you can define another method to connect to the Configuration Storage server in the event the VPN connection is unavailable. In this method, the array member connects to a securely published Configuration Storage server over the Internet. This enables the array member to continue to get configuration updates from the Configuration Storage server. When the site-to-site VPN connection has been restored, the array member switches back and connects to the primary Configuration Storage server through the site-to-site VPN connection.

The array member only uses the securely published Configuration Storage server when all of the following criteria exist:


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