Link translation dictionaries

When link translation is enabled for a Web publishing rule, a default link translation dictionary containing the implicit rule-specific mappings is automatically created for the rule. The administrator can add explicit rule-specific mappings to this dictionary.

Every Web publishing rule adds its mappings to a global repository of mappings that becomes available to all publishing rules of the same array. This global repository is called the global dictionary. The administrator can also manually add explicit mappings to the global dictionary.

Whenever a publishing rule is used to send back a Web site page to a client, it uses the global dictionary to find out about the valid mappings provided by the other publishing rules. These mappings (along with the mappings defined by the current rule) are used to translate links on the response page. If a Web publishing rule uses mappings defined in other rules within the same array, cross-site link translation occurs. A Web publishing rule from one array can also obtain information about mappings that are included in the global dictionary of another array in the same enterprise. This enables cross-array link translation, which is the same as cross-site link translation, but it is applied between sites that are published by rules defined in different arrays within the same enterprise.

An effective link translation dictionary (translation table) is created for each Web publishing rule for which link translation is enabled. It includes the implicit and explicit rule-specific mappings along with the global mappings defined in the array. If cross-array link translation is enabled for the array in which the rule is defined, the effective dictionary also includes the global mappings defined in all the other arrays in which cross-array link translation is enabled. If there are conflicts, the explicit global and rule-specific mappings take precedence.

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