Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The IFWXFirewall interface provides functions for filters that are not tied to any specific user session.
The Firewall service implements this interface and passes it to the IFWXFilter::FilterInit method.
The IFWXFirewall::DuplicateFilterHookEvents method is used in every filter. For a usage example see IFWXFilter::FilterInit.
The method IFWXFirewall::CreateBuffer is used in the following sample filters provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFirewall::DuplicateFilterHookEvents is used in the following samples provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFirewall::CreateConstBuffer is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFirewall::CreateNetworkSocket is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFirewall::CreateOverlapped is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFirewall::HookToCompletionPort is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFirewall::GetPNATSession is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
Implemented by the Firewall service.