Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The IFWXExternalIOCompletion interface has one method, CompleteAsyncIO. This method receives notifications from the Firewall service when an asynchronous I/O operation on an operating system file (such as writing to or reading from a disk) is completed. For more information, see IFWXExternalIOCompletion::CompleteAsyncIO in the Reference section.
Implemented by the application filter.
This example of an implementation of IFWXExternalIOCompletion::CompleteAsycnIO is taken from the Exeblock sample filter.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CEBScannerDataFilter::CompleteAsyncIO( /* [in] */ BOOL fSuccess, /* [in] */ DWORD NumberOfBytesTransfered, /* [in] */ DWORD Win32ErrorCode, /* [in] */ IFWXOverlapped __RPC_FAR *pOverlapped, /* [in] */ UserContextType UserData) { if (!fSuccess) _Abort(); pOverlapped->Release(); IFWXSocket *pISocket = _GetExternalSocket(); if (pISocket) { pISocket->Recv(NULL, this, 0); pISocket->Release(); } return S_OK; }
The method IFWXExternalIOCompletion::CompleteAsyncIO is used in the following sample provided with ISA: