Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The IFWXFilterAdmin interface is used by the filter for installation and configuration. You must use this interface to install a filter.
Create an instance of the FWXFilterAdmin class to use these administration methods.
The method IFWXFilterAdmin::InstallFilter is used in the following samples provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFilterAdmin::UninstallFilter is used in the following samples provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFilterAdmin::RegisterProtocolForFilter is used in the following samples provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFilterAdmin::UnregisterProtocolForFilter is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFilterAdmin::GetProtocol is used in the following samples provided with ISA:
The method IFWXFilterAdmin::GetFilterParameterSet is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The code for registering filters and protocols should be written in the .cpp file that represents the filter object. The filter uses this interface primarily in the DllInstall function.
static HRESULT RegisterApplicationFilter(int fRegister, FwxScope Scope) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IFWXFilterAdmin> pIFWXFilterAdmin; MSNEROOT::IFPCPtr comptrIFPC; MSNEROOT::IFPCEventDefinitionPtr comptrIFPCEventDefinition; MSNEROOT::IFPCFilterProtocolPtr comptrIFPCFilterProtocol; hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_FWXFilterAdmin, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IFWXFilterAdmin, (LPVOID *) &pIFWXFilterAdmin); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; }
// HRESULT hr; // IFWXFilterAdmin *ifa; hr = ifa->RegisterProtocolForFilter( CLSID_FTPFilter, L"FTP", L"FTP protocol via ftpfltr filter", NULL, Scope);