Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The IFWXSession interface is used to attach a data filter to a session and to monitor the session's events.
The session object implements session-specific functions that impersonate the user's account, test ACLs against the session's user, get information about the client computer, and perform protocol operations.
The method IFWXSession::AccessCheck is used in the following sample filter provided with ISA:
The method IFWXSession::AllowFutureConnect is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXSession::BindForClient is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXSession::GetClientAddress is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXSession::GetClientMachineName is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXSession::GetSessionFlags is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
The method IFWXSession::RetroactiveAllowBind is used in the following sample provided with ISA:
Implemented by the Firewall service.