Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000


The IFWXSession interface is used to attach a data filter to a session and to monitor the session's events.

The session object implements session-specific functions that impersonate the user's account, test ACLs against the session's user, get information about the client computer, and perform protocol operations.

Samples that Use IFWXSession Methods

The method IFWXSession::AccessCheck is used in the following sample filter provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSession::AllowFutureConnect is used in the following sample provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSession::BindForClient is used in the following sample provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSession::GetClientAddress is used in the following sample provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSession::GetClientMachineName is used in the following sample provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSession::GetSessionFlags is used in the following sample provided with ISA:

The method IFWXSession::RetroactiveAllowBind is used in the following sample provided with ISA:

Typical Implementation

Implemented by the Firewall service.