Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
To make the filter configurable with respect to changing the string it seeks, you need storage that the filter and the administrator can access to read and write configuration data. This kind of storage is provided by ISA administration COM objects — specifically, the FPCVendorParametersSet object. When you use FPCVendorParametersSet, configuration backup and restore operations are done automatically, together with the rest of the ISA configuration operations. FPCVendorParametersSet also allows for configuration data to be shared across an ISA Server array.
To read configuration data from vendor parameter sets
HRESULT Initialize(CComPtr<IFWXFirewall> pCallback);
This initialization method would be called by the CFWXSessionFilter::FwxFirewallEventHandler method.
char *m_StringToLookFor;
HRESULT CSMTPDataFilter::Initialize(CComPtr<IFWXFirewall> pCallback) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; _bstr_t Value; //Value from ISA storage CComPtr<IFWXFilterAdmin> pIFWXFilterAdmin; MSFPCCOM::IFPCVendorParametersSetPtr comptrIFPCVendorParametersSet; struct IFPCVendorParametersSet * pIFPCVendorParametersSet; hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_FWXFilterAdmin, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IFWXFilterAdmin, (LPVOID *) &pIFWXFilterAdmin); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr =pIFWXFilterAdmin->GetFilterParameterSet(CLSID_SMTPFilter, fwx_DefaultScope, &pIFPCVendorParametersSet); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; comptrIFPCVendorParametersSet.Attach((MSFPCCOM::IFPCVendorParametersSet*) pIFPCVendorParametersSet, true); try { //Read the string to find Value=comptrIFPCVendorParametersSet->Value[_bstr_t("StringValue")]; m_StringToLookFor =new char [strlen(Value)+1]; if (m_StringToLookFor ==NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; strcpy(m_StringToLookFor,Value); } catch(_com_error& /*err*/) { //Set default value to m_StringToLookFor m_StringToLookFor = new char[12]; strcpy(m_StringToLookFor,"Virus Virus"); } return S_OK; }
m_StringToLookFor = NULL;
and add the following destructor of class CSMTPDataFilter:
~CSMTPDataFilter() { delete [] m_StringToLookFor; }