Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

Internal SMTP Server

Set up an internal SMTP server to work with ISA Server.

  1. Install SMTP server.

    Microsoft SMTP server comes with Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0, which is part of the default installation of Windows 2000 Server.

  2. Install ISA client on the SMTP server. Because the SMTP server is behind the ISA server, it functions as a client in this scenario.

    Use the MSEClnt installation share on the ISA server.

  3. Set up the SMTP server to work behind ISA server.

    Add a text file called wspcfg.ini, with the following content, to the winnt\system32\inetsrv directory, and then restart IIS:

  4. Restart the SMTP service.
  5. Notice that inetinfo.exe hosts many services. You must stop each service before inetinfo.exe terminates. If you are using SMTP service, you can use the following shell commands:
    net stop "World Wide Web Publishing Service"
    net stop "FTP publishing service
    net stop "Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)"
    net stop "IIS Admin Service"
    net start "Microsoft SMTP Service"

    Note  When you switch from a Firewall client test configuration to a SecureNAT client test configuration, or from a SecureNAT client to a Firewall client, the Firewall service and the SMTP service must be stopped and restarted.