Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000


To make certain the SMTPFLTR test environment is set up correctly, you should verify the connection.

  1. Open the telnet application on the external computer and connect to the ISA server on Port 25.
  2. You should receive a message similar to the following:
    "220 <YourInternalServerName> Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2054.0054.0 ready at Mon, 28 Jun 1999 14:10:48 +0300"

This message indicates that the internal SMTP server is available and can be accessed from the external network through ISA. Notice that the server name in this message is that of the internal server, not the ISA server.

If you get an error message, try restarting the Firewall service and then restarting the internal SMTP service.