Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000


name resolution
The process of mapping a computer name (friendly name) into its corresponding numeric IP address.
A tree-formatted, ordered list of all the nodes available in the current tool. The display of the namespace is similar to a folder and directory structure on a hard drive. Required for the Domain Name System (DNS) to work properly. The DNS namespace is hierarchical in nature and allows host names to be stated in absolute or relative terms. Absolute names, or fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), are defined from the root of the name space and uniquely identify a node in the hierarchy. Relative names are represented relative to a name in the hierarchy.
negative caching
The caching of HTTP error conditions associated with accessing a particular URL. If the URL is unavailable, the error response message can be cached and returned to subsequent clients that request the same URL.
See network basic input/output system (NetBIOS).
NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI)
A network protocol usually used in small, department-sized local area networks (LANs). It can use Token Ring source routing as its only method of routing. See also network basic input/output system (NetBIOS), router.
network address translation (NAT)
The process of converting between IP addresses used within an intranet or other private network and Internet IP addresses. See also SecureNAT.
network basic input/output system (NetBIOS)
An API that can be used by applications on a local area network (LAN). NetBIOS provides applications with a uniform set of commands for mapping input/output (I/O) operations into equivalent network operations.
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
The Internet standard protocol for posting, distributing, and reading network news messages posted among news groups on the Internet. Messages are posted to NNTP servers and are accessed by NNTP clients (newsreaders).
See Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).
NTFS File System
An advanced file system used by Windows NT/Windows 2000 that supports file system recovery, very large storage media, and object-oriented applications. NTFS also offers enhanced security over the older FAT file system.
NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport
A standard network protocol that supports routing and allows Novell NetWare client/server applications to communicate with IPX/SPX applications.