Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000


A store of frequently retrieved objects and URLs located on the cache drive of an ISA computer. Instead of retrieving an object directly from an Internet Web server, the object is stored and retrieved from the cache instead. Caches improve network performance by reducing the number of objects retrieved from the Internet based on their popularity.
cache drive
The amount of space reserved on a selected server disk drive for use in storing cached files.
cache filtering
The ability to either cache or not cache objects retrieved from World Wide Web (WWW), FTP, or Gopher sites.
cache routing
The forwarding of a client HTTP request from one ISA computer to another ISA computer. Also known as cascading or chaining. See hierarchical caching.
CERN-Proxy Protocol
An industry standard for application-aware proxy services over HTTP-based client/server communications. CERN standards are established by the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), located in Switzerland.
See Common Gateway Interface (CGI).
A method to link multiple ISA computers together. Individual ISA computers and arrays or any combination can be chained. Communication is in an upstream, hierarchical order.
See Windows 2000 challenge/response authentication.
clear text
See basic authentication.
COM object
A programming structure that includes both data and functionality. A COM object is defined and allocated as a single unit. The only public access to a COM object is through the programming structure's interfaces. At a minimum, a COM object must support the IUnknown interface, which maintains the object's existence while it is being used and provides access to the object's other interfaces.
commit rate
The speed with which objects or URLs are added to the cache.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
A standard interface for HTTP server applications. Used by an application that runs on a server to generate dynamic content based on parameters sent by the requesting Web browser.
completion port
A Windows object that efficiently manages threads used for asynchronous I/O.
connected service
A service that provides a managed connection allowing networked computers to communicate reliably. (Also known as streamed service.) TCP and SPX protocols support this type of service. Four important characteristics include:
connectionless service
A service that emphasizes broadcasting and unacknowledged delivery of data packets. Supports higher throughput speeds for real-time applications. UDP is a protocol that supports this type of service.
An authentication method used to validate client-to-server and server-to-server communication. Credentials include a user name and a password that is used to validate requests from client computers or from other computers in an array or chain.