Microsoft Internet Security and
Acceleration Server 2000
Message Handlers for the Property Sheet Elements
You need to add handlers to the design elements you have placed
on the property page.
To create the message handlers
Double-click a design element on the property page. The
following dialog box displays.
Select the design element name from the Classorobjecttohandle list.
Select the name of the event you want to handle (for example,
the EN_CHANGE event).
Click the AddandEdit button – this will
generate the needed method specification and let you edit the code.
For example, if you use the EN_CHANGE event in the
IDC_VIRUS_STRING edit box, the following code will be
LRESULT OnChange_VirusString(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled)
// TODO : Add Code for control notification handler.
return 0;
You would like, at least, to enable the Apply button
whenever a change to any of the controls is made. To do so you need
to add the following code to the message handler: