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Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

FPCAccessControlEntry Object

The FPCAccessControlEntry object allows you to access and manipulate individual access-control entries of the parent object. An FPCAccessControlEntry object stipulates who can access an object and what type of access will be granted. It also specifies whether the access-control settings can be propagated from the object to any of its children.

An object can have a number of access-control entries, one for each client or group of clients. Access control entries are maintained in an FPCAccessControlList collection.

The FPCAccessControlEntry object is a member of an FPCAccessContolList collection.

Click here to see the ISA object hierarchy.

Note to C++ Programmers

This object implements the IFPCAccessControlEntry interface.


The following table lists the properties of the FPCAccessControlEntry object.

Property Description
AccessMask Gets or sets the access mask for this FPCAccessControlEntry object.
AceFlags Gets or sets the FPCAccessControlEntry flag values.
AceType Gets or sets the FPCAccessControlEntry object type.
Flags Gets or sets the FPCAccessControlEntry flag values.
InheritedObjectType Gets or sets the FPCAccessControlEntry inherited object type.
ObjectType Gets or sets the FPCAccessControlEntry object type.
Trustee Gets or sets the FPCAccessControlEntry trustee.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
  Header: Msfpccom.idl.