Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

FPCAdapter.Selected Property

Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the network adapter is selected to be included in the Local Address Table (LAT) construction.

VBScript Syntax[VBScript]

FPCAdapter.Selected [ = bSelected ]

C++ Syntax[C++]

HRESULT get_Selected(
  VARIANT_BOOL *pbSelected

HRESULT put_Selected(
  VARIANT_BOOL bSelected


Boolean value that specifies whether the network adapter is selected to be included in the Local Address Table (LAT) construction.

The property is read-write.


This property is used in conjunction with the FPCLAT.AddFromSelectedAdapters method to generate the LAT. The state of bSelected is not retained when the object is discarded. This means that if you use this object to set bSelected to TRUE, and then discard this object, the state of bSelected is not stored in memory.

Applies To
