Microsoft Internet Security and
Acceleration Server 2000
ISA services use this method to signal an event, as a part of
the alert service. If an alert exists for the event and the event
is in a state where it can trigger an alert, actions will be taken
to notify the administrator of the event. Third-party filters can
also use this method to signal an event.
Required. String that specifies the globally unique identifier
(GUID) of the event triggering this alert.
Required. String that specifies the name of the server
triggering this alert. This should contain the value NULL or an
empty string, specifying the local server.
Required. Long value that contains the index to additional
keys' table for this event. This parameter cannot be zero. If the
signaled event has no additional-key table, the parameter should be
String that contains a brief description of the run-time event.
Used as the subject line for a send-mail action.
String that contains a detailed description of the run-time
event. Used as the body text for a send-mail action.
Long value that contains the identifier (ID) of the event to be
reported to the system event log.
String that contains source name for the event reported.
Variant that contains insertion strings for the event
Variant that contains raw data for the event reported.
Short that contains category of the event reported.
Short that contains type of the event reported.
The parameter sEventSource is similar to the
lpSourceName parameter of the Win32®
RegisterEventSource function. Other parameters for this
function are similar to parameters in the Win32 function
ReportEvent, as shown in the following table. For more
information, see the relevant function in MSDN.