Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

FPCArray Object

The FPCArray object defines a single ISA array. An ISA array is a group of one or more ISA servers that are treated and administered as a single, logical entity. Each array has multiple configurable properties.

For examples using the FPCArray object, see ISA Administration Scripting .

This object is a member of the FPCArrays collection.

Click here to see the ISA object hierarchy.

Note to C++ Programmers

This object implements the IFPCArray interface.


The following table lists the methods of the FPCArray object.

Method Description
Backup Backs up the array configuration to a file.
GetSecurityDescriptor Gets the security descriptor for the array.
Refresh Reads the object's configuration information from persistent storage, discarding any changes to the configuration that were not saved.
Restore The Restore method reads the array's information from a file.
Save Saves the object's configuration to persistent storage.
SendRestartNotification Gets a list of services that must be restarted and sets a flag under each server for each service that should be restarted.
SetSecurityDescriptor Sets the security descriptor for the array.


The following table lists the properties of the FPCArray object.

Property Description
Alerts Gets a collection of all alerts in the array.
ArrayPolicy Gets an object holding all array policyconfiguration for this array.
BackupArrayDescription Gets the description of the array that was backed up
BackupArrayMode Gets the mode of the array that was backed up.
BackupArrayName Gets the name of the array that was backed up.
BackupArrayType Gets the type of the array that was backed up.
BackupComment Gets the comment from a backup file.
BackupCreatedTime Gets the time the backup was created.
BackupServerDescription Gets the description of the server that was backed up.
BackupServerName Gets the name of the server that was backed up.
BandwidthRules Gets a collection of all bandwidth rules in this array.
Cache Gets an object holding all cache configuration for this array.
ClientConfig Gets an object containing client configuration information.
Components Gets a set of flags indicating the components that are installed in this array.
CreatedTime Gets a DATE data type that specifies the creation time of the object.
Description Gets or sets the description of the array in the form of a string.
DomainName Gets the array's domain name.
Extensions Gets an FPCExtensions object.
LastModifiedTime Gets a DATE data type that specifies the last modification time of the object.
Logging Gets an object holding all log configuration for this array.
Name Gets or sets the name of the array.
NetworkConfiguration Gets an object holding all network configuration for this array.
PolicyElements Gets an object holding all policy configuration for this array.
Publishing Gets a reference to this array's publishing configuration object.
Servers Gets a collection of all ISA servers in this array.
SiteName Gets the FPCArray object's site name.
Type Gets the array's type.
VendorParametersSets Gets a reference to an object for storing and loading custom data into the FPCArray object's storage.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
  Header: Msfpccom.idl.