Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The FPCBandwidthRule object represents a single bandwidth rule. A bandwidth rule defines the bandwidth to be allocated for various types of requests. You define a bandwidth rule by using ISA's policy elements and by establishing the requests to which the rule will apply. This object is a member of the FPCBandwidthRules collection.
Click here to see the ISA object hierarchy.
This collection implements the IFPCBandwidthRule interface.
The following table lists the methods of the FPCBandwidthRule object.
Method | Description |
Refresh | Reads the object's configuration information from persistent storage, discarding any changes to the configuration that were not saved. |
Save | Saves the object's configuration to persistent storage. |
SetAppliesAlways | Sets the rule to apply always, regardless of the ScheduleTemplateUsed property. |
SetBandwidthPriority | Sets the bandwidth rule to use windows quality of service (QOS) or a specific bandwidth priority. |
SetDestination | Sets the destinations to which the rule applies. |
SetSchedule | Sets the value of the schedule that applies to this rule. |
The following table lists the properties of the FPCBandwidthRule object.
Property | Description |
AppliesAlways | Gets whether the rule applies at all times. |
AppliesToAccounts | Gets the collection of accounts to which the rule applies. |
AppliesToContentMethodType | Gets or sets the selection of content to which the rule applies. |
AppliesToDestination | Gets the type of destination to which the rule applies. |
AppliesToMethod | Gets or sets the method used for deciding rule applicability. |
BandwidthPriorityUsed | Gets the name of the FPCBandwidthPriority object that is used to define the bandwidth applicable to this rule. |
ClientAddressSetsExcluded | Gets the collection of client address sets to which the rule does not apply. |
ClientAddressSetsUsed | Gets the collection of client address sets to which the rule applies. |
ContentGroupsUsed | Represents a collection of the content groups to which the rule applies. |
Description | Gets or sets the description of the set. |
DestinationSetUsed | Gets the FPCRefs collection used to define the destination to which the rule applies. |
Enabled | Gets or sets whether the rule is enabled. |
IsDefault | Gets whether the rule is pre-installed and cannot be deleted. |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the bandwidth rule. |
Order | Gets the filter's order. |
ProtocolSelectionMethod | Gets or sets whether the rule applies to all IP traffic, all protocols, or specified protocols. |
ScheduleUsed | Gets or sets the name of the schedule template object used to define the times when the rule applies. |
SpecifiedProtocols | Gets the FPCRefs collection used by the rule. |
VendorParametersSets | Gets a reference to an object for storing and loading custom data into the object's storage. |
WindowsQoSEnabled | Gets whether the rule uses the defualt windows QOS bandwidth. |
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
Header: Msfpccom.idl.