Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

FPCPrimaryRoute Object

The FPCPrimaryRoute object represents the primary route entity, either a single ISA server or an array of ISA servers. This object is a property of the FPCRoutingRule object, which you can access through the FPCRoutingRule.PrimaryRoute property.

Click here to see the ISA object hierarchy.

Note to C++ Programmers

This object implements the IFPCPrimaryRoute interface.


The following table lists the methods of the FPCPrimaryRoute object.

Method Description
Refresh Reads the object's configuration information from persistent storage, discarding any changes to the configuration that were not saved.
Save Saves the object's configuration to persistent storage.
SetAutoPollConfig Sets whether polling of the upstream server or array for membership information is enabled.
SetRedirectHostAndPorts Sets whether requests are redirected to a hosted site, specified by a host site name and port number.
SetServerAndPort Sets the server and port for the primary route server or array.


The following table lists the properties of the FPCPrimaryRoute object.

Property Description
AuthenticationEnabled Gets or sets whether use of authentication in upstream routing is enabled.
AuthenticationType Gets or sets the type of authentication that the primary route server or array uses.
AutoDialOut Gets a reference to an FPCAutoDial object that represents the automatic-dial settings.
AutomaticPollConfig Gets whether proxy polling of the upstream proxy or array for membership information is enabled.
BackupRoute Gets a reference to an object that represents the specific proxy or array of the secondary (backup) route.
Credentials Gets an FPCCredentials object used to read and write credentials information. This information is used if a proxy server needs to authenticate with an upstream proxy server.
PollAtUrl Gets the URL, usually at the upstream proxy, at which to poll for the array configuration information. This property if valid if the AutomaticPollConfig property is enabled.
RedirectHost Gets the host name for the redirect host site.
RedirectHostPort Gets the port number for the redirection to the host site.
RedirectHostSSLPort Gets the port number for the redirection to the host site by using SSL.
RouteServerName Gets the name of the server or array to which the request should be redirected.
RouteServerPort Gets the port that this primary route server or array is listening on.
RouteServerSSLPort Gets the port for listening on a secure channel.
RouteType Gets or sets the primary route type.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
  Header: Msfpccom.idl.