Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

FPCEnterprise.PolicyUsedFlag Property

Gets a value that specifies the default policy-used value, as set by using the FPCEnterprise.SetPolicy method.

If you set the FPCArrayPolicyConfig.UseDefaults property to TRUE, the array will use the default policy configuration set in the FPCEnterprise object. If you set the FPCArrayPolicyConfig.UseDefaults property to FALSE, the array will use the policy you define by using the FPCArrayPolicyConfig.SetPolicy method.

VBScript Syntax[VBScript]

[ PolicyUsed = ] FPCEnterprise.PolicyUsedFlag

C++ Syntax[C++]

HRESULT get_PolicyUsedFlag(
  FpcPolicyUsed *pPolicyUsed


Specifies the default value for allowing local policy. It can have a value from the FpcPolicyUsed enumerated type.

The property is read-only.

Applies To
