Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The FPCServer object holds a single ISA Server computer within a server array. Each object has multiple properties that are used to set configuration settings. By using this object, you can programmatically access drives, available network interface cards (NICs), product information, and other generic server attributes such as a server's name and description.
You use this object to access server-specific configuration from a server within the array. Array-specific information is accessed through the FPCServers collection.
This object is a member of the FPCServers collection.
Click here to see the ISA object hierarchy.
This object implements the IFPCServer interface.
The following table lists the methods of the FPCServer object.
Method | Description |
Refresh | Reads the object's configuration information from persistent storage, discarding any changes to the configuration that were not saved. |
RestartServices | Restarts all previously stopped services. |
Save | Saves the object's configuration to persistent storage. |
StartFirewallService | Starts Firewall service. |
StartScheduledContentDownloadService | Starts the scheduled content download service. |
StartWebProxyService | Starts Web proxy service. |
StopAllServices | Stops all the running ISA services, and the services that depend on those ISA services, on the current server. |
StopFirewallService | Stops the Firewall service. |
StopScheduledContentDownloadService | Stops the scheduled content download service. |
StopWebProxyService | Stops the Web proxy service. |
The following table lists the properties of the FPCServer object.
Property | Description |
Adapters | Gets a collection of objects representing the available network adapter cards (NICs). |
CacheDrives | Getsa collection of cache drive objects in this server. |
CreatedTime | Getsa DATE data type that specifies the creation time of the object. |
CurrentDCName | Gets the name of the current domain controller. |
Description | Gets or sets the description of the server. |
DialupNetworkConnections | Getsa collection of dialup network connections in this server. |
DiskDrives | Getsa collection of disk drive objects in this server. |
FirewallServiceStatus | Getswhether the Firewall service is running on the server. |
FirewallServiceUpTime | Getsa value indicating the number of seconds that the Firewall service has been working properly. |
FirewallSessions | Getsa collection of Firewall session objects on this server. |
FirewallSessionsCount | Gets the number of Firewall sessions running on the server. |
ForwardProxyListenEntries | Getsa collection of FPCListenEntry objects. |
FQDN | Getsthe Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the server. |
HttpViaHeaderAlias | Gets or sets the HttpViaHeaderAlias setting of the server, which the Web proxy adds to each HTTP response from this server. |
InstallationDirectory | Gets the ISA installation directory. |
IntraArrayAddress | Gets or setsa reference to the returned key string. |
LastModifiedTime | Getsa DATE data type that specifies the last modification time of the object. |
LoadFactor | Gets or sets the load factor for the server. |
Name | Getsthe name of the server. |
ProductID | Getsthe identifier (ID) of the product installed on this server. |
ProductVersion | Getsthe version of the server. |
ReverseProxyListenEntries | Returns a collection of FPCListenEntry objects. |
ScheduledContentDownloadServiceStatus | Returns a Boolean value indicating the status of the scheduled content download service. |
ServerStatus | Indicates whether the server is connectable. |
SignaledAlerts | Returns a reference to the FPCSignaledAlerts collection. |
SSLClientCertificates | Returns an FPCSSLCertificates collection that represents SSL client certificates available on the server. |
SSLServerCertificates | Returns an FPCSSLCertificates collection representing SSL server certificates available on the server. |
VendorParametersSets | Returns a reference to an object for storing and loading custom data into the FPCServer object's storage. |
WebProxyServiceStatus | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the Web proxy is running. |
WebProxyServiceUpTime | Returns a value indicating the number of seconds that the Web proxy service has been working properly. |
WebProxySessionsCount | Gets the number of Web proxy sessions running on the server. |
WebSessions | Returns a collection of Web session objects in this server. |
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
Header: Msfpccom.idl.