Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

FPCWebProxy Object

The FPCWebProxy object defines Web proxy authentication attributes. You can use this object to determine whether the Web proxy is set to always authenticate client requests to the server and to determine the authentication type.

The FPCWebProxy object is a property of the FPCArrayPolicy object.

Click here to see the ISA object hierarchy.

Note to C++ Programmers

This object implements the IFPCWebProxy interface.


The following table lists the methods of the FPCWebProxy object.

Method Description
Refresh Reads the object's configuration information from the Web proxy service using a remote procedure call (RPC), discarding any changes to the configuration that were not saved.
Save Saves the object's configuration to persistent storage.


The following table lists the properties of the FPCWebProxy object.

Property Description
AutoDiscoveryPort Gets or sets the port to bind to if EnableAutoDiscovery is TRUE.
CARPNameSystem Gets or sets whether CARP uses a DNS or WINS name system.
DeniedMethods Gets the collection of HTTP-like protocols that have been denied by the ISA administrator.
EnableAutoDiscovery Gets or sets whether the Web proxy binds to a specified port on all internal interfaces and returns the routing script as a response to a wpad.dat request.
IncomingWebRequests Returns a reference to the FPCWebRequestConfiguration object.
LoadSize Gets or sets the performance tuning of servers in your array, based on the expected number of users.
OutgoingWebRequests Returns a reference to the FPCWebRequestConfiguration object.
TunnelPortRanges Retrieves a reference to an FPCTunnelPortRanges collection.
UpstreamResolveSystem Gets or sets whether a downstream server will use DNS or WINS information provided by an upstream server.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
  Header: Msfpccom.idl.