Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

FPCTunnelPortRange Object

The FPCTunnelPortRange object provides access to the tunnel port range.

A tunnel port allows ISA to work as a data pump for communication to particular ports on an external server. Because this effectively bypasses ISA protocol rules, the external port ranges for which this is possible are set by default to 443–443; that is, the single port 443 (SSL), and to 563–563, the single port 563 (NNTP). You can use the FPCTunnelPortRange object to change the port range in which a tunnel port can be created.

The following VBScript is an example of how to add ports to the tunnel port range.

set isa=CreateObject("FPC.Root")
set tprange=isa.Arrays.GetContainingArray.ArrayPolicy.WebProxy.TunnelPortRanges
set tmp=tprange.AddRange("SSL 3520", 3520, 3520)
set tmp=tprange.AddRange("SSL 3529", 3529, 3529)

Click here to see the ISA object hierarchy.

Note to C++ Programmers

This collection implements the IFPCTunnelPortRange interface.


The following table lists the methods of the FPCTunnelPortRange object.

Method Description
Refresh Reads the object's configuration information from persistent storage, discarding any changes to the configuration that were not saved.
Save Saves the object's configuration to persistent storage.


The following table lists the properties of the FPCTunnelPortRange object.

Property Description
Name Gets the name of the port range.
TunnelHighPort Sets the high end of the port range.
TunnelLowPort Set the low end of the port range.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
  Header: Msfpccom.idl.