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Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

FPCSSLCertificate Object

The FPCSSLCertificate object represents an SSL server certificate stored on an ISA server computer. The FPCSSLCertificate provides read-only access to certificate information.

Note  When an SSL certificate has been updated, the Web proxy (w3proxy) service must be restarted. To stop and restart the Web proxy service, use the FPCArray.SendRestartNotification method.

This object is a member of the FPCSSLCertificates collection.

Click here to see the ISA object hierarchy.

Note to C++ Programmers

This object implements the IFPCSSLCertificate interface.


The following table lists the properties of the FPCSSLCertificate object.

Property Description
ExpirationDate Gets the certificate's expiration date.
FriendlyName Gets the certificate's friendly name.
Hash Gets the certificate's hash value.
IssuedBy Gets the name of the entity that issued the certificate.
IssuedTo Gets the entity to whom the certificate was issued.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
  Header: Msfpccom.idl.