Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

Administration Object Error Codes

The following are the COM object warning (WRN) and error (ERR) codes, defined in FpcErrorCodes.h.

Message ID Code Error in Hex Description
S_FPC_PUBLIC_KEYS_CHANGED_AFTER_RESTORE FPC_WRN(0x204) 800400204 The array configuration was restored. However, configuration of the following array members is corrupted: %1. Reinstall ISA Server on those computers.
S_FPC_SERVICE_INACCESSIBLE FPC_WRN(0x205) 800400205 The service is inaccessible.
S_FPC_SOME_SERVICES_FAILED_TO_RESTART_AFTER_RESTORE FPC_WRN(0x206) 800400206 Not all services restarted successfully after restore.
E_FPC_CERTIFICATE_NOT_INSTALLED FPC_ERR(0x300) 800400300 The certificate is not installed.
E_FPC_CROSS_PRIORITY_BOUNDARY FPC_ERR(0x301) 800400301 You cannot change order across priority boundaries.
E_FPC_BAD_ADMIN_ROOT FPC_ERR(0x303) 800400303 The object cannot be used as a standalone object. You can only create instances of the Admin object.
E_FPC_DEST_NOT_IP FPC_ERR(0x304) 800400304 This destination object is not defined using an IP address.
E_FPC_DEST_NOT_MASK FPC_ERR(0x305) 800400305 This destination object is not defined using an IP-Mask pair.
E_FPC_NO_STORAGE FPC_ERR(0x306) 800400306 The object does not have persistent storage.
E_FPC_OBJECT_INVALID FPC_ERR(0x307) 800400307 The object is not valid.
E_FPC_STRING_BAD FPC_ERR(0x308) 800400308 The string is empty or contains illegal characters such as a backslash.
E_FPC_EVENT_NOT_DEFINED FPC_ERR(0x309) 800400309 The GUID of the alert cannot be found in the Events collection.
E_FPC_NON_REMOVAL_EVENT FPC_ERR(0x30A) 80040030A ISA Server predefined events cannot be removed.
E_FPC_ALERT_KEY_INVALID FPC_ERR(0x30B) 80040030B The additional key is out of range.
E_FPC_CANNOT_DEL_DEFAULT_RULE FPC_ERR(0x30C) 80040030C The default rule cannot be removed.
E_FPC_CANNOT_MOVE_DEFAULT_RULE FPC_ERR(0x30D) 80040030D The default rule's order of execution cannot be modified. It will always be last.
E_FPC_CANT_CHANGE_DEFAULT_RULE_DESCRIPTION FPC_ERR(0x30E) 80040030E The default rule name cannot be changed.
E_FPC_CORRUPTED_OBJECT_DATA FPC_ERR(0x30F) 80040030F The object's data is corrupted.
E_FPC_BAD_DESTINATION_SET_NAME FPC_ERR(0x310) 800400310 The destination set specified does not exist.
E_FPC_BAD_SCHEDULE_TEMPLATE_NAME FPC_ERR(0x311) 800400311 The schedule template specified does not exist.
E_FPC_STRING_CONTAINS_INVALID_CHARACTERS FPC_ERR(0x313) 800400313 The server name contains invalid characters.
E_FPC_EMPTY_STRING FPC_ERR(0x314) 800400314 The server name is empty or contains only spaces.
E_FPC_BAD_PROTOCOL_NAME FPC_ERR(0x315) 800400315 The protocol specified does not exist.
E_FPC_VALUE_TOO_LARGE FPC_ERR(0x316) 800400316 The value is larger than the maximum allowed.
E_FPC_VALUE_TOO_SMALL FPC_ERR(0x317) 800400317 The value is smaller than the minimum allowed.
E_FPC_CREATE_CHILD_INSTANCE_FAILED FPC_ERR(0x318) 800400318 Failed to create a child object.
E_FPC_COMPONENT_NOT_INSTALLED FPC_ERR(0x319) 800400319 ISA Server component is not installed.
E_FPC_BAD_IP_FORMAT FPC_ERR(0x31A) 80040031A You must provide a valid IP address.
E_FPC_IP_FROM_MORE_THAN_TO FPC_ERR(0x31B) 80040031B The value of Ip_From must be lower than the value of Ip_To.
E_FPC_IP_PAIR_ALREADY_EXISTS FPC_ERR(0x31C) 80040031C This IP range already exists in the list.
E_FPC_BAD_BANDWIDTH_CLASS_NAME FPC_ERR(0x31D) 80040031D The bandwidth class specified does not exist.
E_FPC_ALERT_MUST_HAVE_ACTIONS FPC_ERR(0x31E) 80040031E Alert object must have at least one action defined.
E_FPC_REDIRECT_EMPTY FPC_ERR(0x330) 800400330 The Redirection property cannot be empty.
E_FPC_BAD_DOMAIN FPC_ERR(0x332) 800400332 The string is not a valid domain name.
E_FPC_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY FPC_ERR(0x333) 800400333  
E_FPC_MUST_USE_DS FPC_ERR(0x334) 800400334 This functionality required Active Directory as ISA storage.
E_FPC_NAME_IN_PENDING_REMOVE FPC_ERR(0x335) 800400335 The object is identical to an object that was removed but the object removal was not yet committed.
E_FPC_DEL_DEFAULT_POLICY FPC_ERR(0x336) 800400336 The default policy cannot be removed.
E_FPC_DEL_USED_POLICY FPC_ERR(0x337) 800400337 The policy is in use by some arrays and cannot be removed.
E_FPC_NOT_IN_GLOBAL FPC_ERR(0x33E) 80040033E The property is not available for enterprise settings.
E_FPC_EVENT_IN_USE FPC_ERR(0x33F) 80040033F The event definition settings cannot be saved. Event(s) that are in use (have alerts defined) have been marked to be removed.
E_FPC_LAT_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS FPC_ERR(0x340) 800400340 The IP range already exists in the Local Address Table (LAT).
E_FPC_IP_NOT_INTERNAL FPC_ERR(0x341) 800400341 The IP address specified is not internal.
E_FPC_IP_NOT_EXTERNAL FPC_ERR(0x342) 800400342 The IP address specified is not external.
E_FPC_MISSING_PROPS FPC_ERR(0x343) 800400343 Some required properties are not set.
E_FPC_PNAT_INTERNAL_SLOT_USED FPC_ERR(0x344) 800400344 There is already a rule that defines a mapping for the internal port and IP specified.
E_FPC_PNAT_EXTERNAL_SLOT_USED FPC_ERR(0x345) 800400345 There is already a rule that defines a mapping for the external port and IP specified.
E_FPC_PNAT_PROTOCOL_NOT_INBOUND FPC_ERR(0x346) 800400346 The specified protocol is not a server protocol.
E_FPC_ARRAY_NO_POLICY FPC_ERR(0x347) 800400347 There must be at least one active policy (either local or enterprise) for an array.
E_FPC_ALLOWRULE_WITH_ENTERPRISE FPC_ERR(0x348) 800400348 Cannot set rule action to Allow when enterprise policy is active.
E_FPC_ADDRULE_NOLOCAL FPC_ERR(0x349) 800400349 Cannot add rule: local policy is not allowed.
E_FPC_ALERTSRV_UNKNOWN_EVENT FPC_ERR(0x34A) 80040034A The event signaled couldn't be found.
E_FPC_ALERTSRV_BAD_EVENT_GUID FPC_ERR(0x34B) 80040034B The name must be a GUID. (for example: "{8FD90800-A628-11d2-9513-0008C7BCEFD3}")
E_FPC_ALERTSRV_DUPLICATED_ALERT FPC_ERR(0x34C) 80040034C An alert with the same event GUID, server name and additional key is already defined.
E_FPC_ITEM_IN_USE FPC_ERR(0x34D) 80040034D  
E_FPC_ADDRULE_NOPUBLISHING FPC_ERR(0x34E) 80040034E Cannot add rule: publishing is not allowed.
E_FPC_BAD_SITE FPC_ERR(0x34F) 80040034F  
E_FPC_ARRAY_POLICY_USE_DEFAULT FPC_ERR(0x350) 800400350 Cannot modify array policy, it uses the default settings.
E_FPC_BACKUP_FILE_IS_NOT_ARRAY_CONFIGURATION FPC_ERR(0x351) 800400351 Mismatch in backup file formats.
E_FPC_BACKUP_FILE_IS_NOT_ENTERPRISE_CONFIGURATION FPC_ERR(0x352) 800400352 The given file does not contain enterprise policies configuration.
E_FPC_LOW_RANGE_MORE_THAN_HIGH_RANGE FPC_ERR(0x354) 800400354 The lower bound port must be smaller or equal than the upper bound.
E_FPC_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE FPC_ERR(0x355) 800400355 The port range should be between 1 and 65535.
E_FPC_BAD_CLIENT_SET_NAME FPC_ERR(0x359) 800400359 The client set specified does not exist.
E_FPC_BAD_CONTENT_GROUP_NAME FPC_ERR(0x35A) 80040035A The content group specified does not exist.
E_FPC_BAD_DIALUP_ENTRY_NAME FPC_ERR(0x35B) 80040035B The dial-up entry specified does not exist.
E_FPC_BAD_REF_TYPE FPC_ERR(0x35C) 80040035C This reference collection cannot include references of the requested type.
E_FPC_SERVER_NOT_IN_LAT FPC_ERR(0x35E) 80040035E The Local Address Table (LAT) must contain at least one IP address for each server in the array.
E_FPC_SCOPE_MUST_BE_ARRAY FPC_ERR(0x35F) 80040035F The policy element scope must be array.
E_FPC_SCOPE_MUST_BE_ENTERPRISE FPC_ERR(0x360) 800400360 The policy element scope must be enterprise.
E_FPC_NO_SPECIFIED_PROTOCOLS FPC_ERR(0x361) 800400361 At least one protocol must be specified.
E_FPC_INVALID_MEM_USAGE_PERCENTAGE FPC_ERR(0x362) 800400362 The cache memory usage percentage is invalid. Valid values are from 1 to 100.
E_FPC_NOT_COMMON_NETWORK_DIALUP_CONNECTION FPC_ERR(0x363) 800400363 Not all the servers in the array have the specified network dial-up connection.
E_FPC_CANNOT_DEMOTE_ARRAY FPC_ERR(0x364) 800400364 Restoring a .bif file (originated from DS) to a registry array is not supported.
E_FPC_NOT_FULL_URL FPC_ERR(0x365) 800400365 The URL should start with http:
E_FPC_IP_SUBNET_MASK_CONFLICT FPC_ERR(0x366) 800400366 No IP address can match the specified mask and subnet combination.
E_FPC_NO_CREDENTIALS FPC_ERR(0x367) 800400367 You must specified Credentials.
E_FPC_DEL_ACTIVE_DIALUP FPC_ERR(0x368) 800400368 Cannot delete the Active Dialup Entry.
E_FPC_NO_DIALUP_AVAILABLE FPC_ERR(0x369) 800400369 Cannot use auto dial, there are no Dialup Entries.
E_FPC_SERVICE_IS_DOWN FPC_ERR(0x36A) 80040036A The remote ISA Control Service is down or unaccessible on target server. Please ensure the service is running and accessible on this server in order to perform the operation.
E_FPC_CANNOT_PROMOTE_ARRAY FPC_ERR(0x36B) 80040036B Restoring a bif file (originated from registry) to a DS array is not supported.
E_FPC_SERVER_LIST_MISMATCH_IN_BACKUP_FILE FPC_ERR(0x36C) 80040036C Mismatch in server list between current array and restored array.
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STANDARD_EDITION FPC_ERR(0x36D) 80040036D Method or property not available in Standard Edition.
E_FPC_DCOM_TO_DOMAINARRAY_UNSUPPORTED FPC_ERR(0x36E) 80040036E Remote connection to DS based array is attempted (not supported).
E_FPC_BAD_LDT_DOMAIN_NAME_FORMAT FPC_ERR(0x36F) 80040036F The string is not a valid LDT domain name.
E_FPC_MOVETO_AP_ONLY FPC_ERR(0x370) 800400370 Cannot change enterprise policy settings to use array policy only.
E_FPC_MOVEFROM_AP_ONLY FPC_ERR(0x371) 800400371 Cannot change policy settings to use an enterprise policy.
E_FPC_CHANGE_DEFAULT_AP_ONLY FPC_ERR(0x372) 800400372 Cannot modify default enterprise policy settings. This is because one or more arrays in the enterprise use the default settings.
E_FPC_TCP_UDP_MISMATCH FPC_ERR(0x373) 800400373 Invalid API was used for the specified protocol.
E_FPC_CACHE_REQUIRES_NTFS_DRIVE FPC_ERR(0x374) 800400374 Cache can be configured on NTFS drives only.
E_FPC_SERVER_PUBLISHING_RULE_USE_INTERNAL FPC_ERR(0x375) 800400375 The IP address %1 used as internal in server publishing rule %2.
E_FPC_SERVER_PUBLISHING_RULE_USE_EXTERNAL FPC_ERR(0x376) 800400376 The IP address %1 used as external in server publishing rule %2.
E_FPC_MIN_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_MAX FPC_ERR(0x377) 800400377 Minimum should be less than maximum.
E_FPC_MISMATCH_POLICY FPC_ERR(0x378) 800400378 Policy is different between backup file and current configuration.
E_FPC_MISMATCH_ALLOW_LOCAL_POLICY FPC_ERR(0x379) 800400379 Allow is different between backup file and current configuration.
E_FPC_MISMATCH_ALLOW_PUBLISHING FPC_ERR(0x37A) 80040037A Allow Publishing is different between backup file and current configuration.
E_FPC_MISMATCH_FORCE_PF FPC_ERR(0x37B) 80040037B Force PF is different between backup file and current configuration.
E_FPC_NOT_CONTAINING_ARRAY FPC_ERR(0x37C) 80040037C Notifications are allowed only on the containing array.
E_FPC_NEED_SERVER_FOR_CREDENTIALS FPC_ERR(0x37D) 80040037D Cannot add credentials when there are no servers in the array.
E_FPC_INVALID_BACKUP_FILE FPC_ERR(0x37E) 80040037E The selected file does not contain a complete backup image.
E_FPC_FILENAME_SHOULD_BE_LOCAL FPC_ERR(0x37F) 80040037F The file must be located in the selected ISA server
E_FPC_INVALID_PORT FPC_ERR(0x380) 800400380 You must provide a port number between 1 and 65535.
E_FPC_INVALID_PORT_INC_0 FPC_ERR(0x381) 800400381 You must provide a port number between 0 and 65535.
E_FPC_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_REGISTRY_SIZE FPC_ERR(0x382) 800400382 Unable to retrieve registry size.
E_FPC_REGISTRY_TOO_SMALL_FOR_RESTORE FPC_ERR(0x383) 800400383 The registry on the computer is not large enough to complete the restore operation.
E_FPC_MISMATCH_BETWEEN_CURRENT_AND_RESTORED_ARRAY FPC_ERR(0x384) 800400384 The array configuration cannot be restored since there is a mismatch between the current array configuration and the restored array configuration.
E_FPC_IP_SHOULD_EXIST_ON_ISA_AND_EXTERNAL FPC_ERR(0x385) 800400385 The specified IP address should be on at least one server in the array.
E_FPC_PUBLIC_KEYS_MISMATCH_IN_BACKUP_FILE FPC_ERR(0x386) 800400386 If you use this backup file to restore the array configuration, configuration of the following array members will be corrupted, and you will have to reinstall ISA Server on these computers: %1.
E_FPC_ALL_PUBLIC_KEYS_MISMATCH_IN_BACKUP_FILE FPC_ERR(0x387) 800400387 You cannot use this backup file to restore the array configuration.