Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000


The FwxGetHostByNameEvent structure contains parameters for the fwx_GetHostByName event.

This event is a notification on a gethostbyname operation performed by a Firewall client. It allows the filter to modify or block a gethostbyname request. Two events are generated, one before and one after actual name resolution.

typedef struct {
  LPSTR Hostname;
  LPHOSTENT Hostent;
  DWORD HostentLength;
  BOOL fBeforeAction;
  FwxFilterAccess FilterAccess;
  IFWXGetXByY * piGetXByY;
} FwxGetHostByNameEvent;


[in] Pointer to the host name being looked up.
[in, out] Pointer to a buffer for setting the response hostent structure. The buffer contains a valid hostent structure if the fBeforeAction member is FALSE.
[in] Size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the Hostent member.
Before-action flag. It is TRUE when called before name resolution is done.

It is FALSE when this gethostbyname is called after name resolution is done. The buffer contains a valid hostent structure if the fBeforeAction member is FALSE.

[in] Access status for the event. This is a value from the FwxFilterAccess enumerated type. This member indicates the current access status. The filter may call the IFWXGetXByY::Deny method to modify the access status.
[in] Pointer to a IFWXGetXByY interface that can be used to control the outcome of the name query.


This event is generated only for Firewall clients (fwxSourceWSP), not for SecureNAT clients.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
  Header: Wspfwext.idl.

See Also