Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
Pointer to a function that retrieves information about the server and this connection. For some notifications, some variables might not be defined. For example, notifications that occur before PREPROC_HEADERS, such as the READ_RAW_DATA notification, may not be defined.
Some server variables, such as Request_Method and Content_Length are embedded in the EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK structure. You can use GetServerVariable to obtain information about the request or server that is not included in the EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK.
The declaration of GetServerVariable is:
BOOL WINAPI GetServerVariable( HCONN hConn, LPSTR lpszVariableName, LPVOID lpvBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwSizeofBuffer );
Variable | Description |
ALL_HTTP | Retrieves all HTTP headers that were received. These variables are of the form HTTP_header field name. The headers consist of a null-terminated string with the individual headers separated by line feeds. |
ALL_RAW | Retrieves all headers in raw form. The header names and values appear as they are sent by the client. Currently, this value is primarily used by proxy servers and similar applications. |
APPL_MD_PATH | Not supported in ISA; will always return the error (ERROR_INVALID_INDEX). |
APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH | Not supported in ISA; will always return the error (ERROR_INVALID_INDEX). |
AUTH_PASSWORD | Specifies the value entered in the client's authentication dialog box. This variable is only available if basic authentication is used. |
AUTH_TYPE | Specifies the type of authentication used. If the string is empty, then no authentication is used. Possible values are Kerberos, user, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Private Communication Technology (PCT), basic, and integrated Windows authentication. |
AUTH_USER | Specifies the value entered in the client's authentication dialog box. |
CERT_COOKIE | Specifies a unique identifier (ID) for a client certificate. Returned as a string. Can be used as a signature for the entire client certificate. |
CERT_FLAGS | If bit0 is set to 1, a client certificate is present. If bit1 is set to 1, the certification authority (CA) of the client certificate is invalid; that is, it is not on this server's list of recognized CAs. |
CERT_ISSUER | Specifies the issuer field of the client certificate. For example, the codes might be O=MS, OU=IAS, CN=user name, C=USA, and so on. |
CERT_KEYSIZE | Specifies the number of bits in the SSL connection key size. |
CERT_SECRETKEYSIZE | Specifies the number of bits in the server certificate private key. |
CERT_SERIALNUMBER | Specifies the serial-number field of the client certificate. |
CERT_SERVER_ISSUER | Specifies the issuer field of the server certificate. |
CERT_SERVER_SUBJECT | Specifies the subject field of the server certificate. |
CERT_SUBJECT | Specifies the subject field of the client certificate. |
CONTENT_LENGTH | Specifies the number of bytes of data that the script or extension can expect to receive from the client. This total does not include headers. |
CONTENT_TYPE | Specifies the content type of the information supplied in the body of a request for a power-on self test (POST). |
LOGON_USER | The Windows account that the user is logged into. |
HTTPS | Returns On if the request came in through a secure channel (with SSL encryption), or Off if the request is for an unsecure channel. |
HTTPS_KEYSIZE | Specifies the number of bits in the SSL connection key size. |
HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE | Specifies the number of bits in server certificate private key. |
HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER | Specifies the issuer field of the server certificate. |
HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT | Specifies the subject field of the server certificate. |
INSTANCE_ID | Not supported in ISA; will always return the error (ERROR_INVALID_INDEX). |
INSTANCE_META_PATH | Not supported in ISA; will always return the error (ERROR_INVALID_INDEX). |
PATH_INFO | Not supported in ISA; will always return the error (ERROR_INVALID_INDEX). |
PATH_TRANSLATED | Not supported in ISA; will always return the error (ERROR_INVALID_INDEX). |
QUERY_STRING | Not supported in ISA; will always return an empty string. |
REMOTE_ADDR | Specifies the IP address of the client or agent of the client (for example gateway, proxy, or firewall) that sent the request. |
REMOTE_HOST | Specifies the host name of the client or agent of the client (for example, gateway, proxy or firewall) that sent the request if reverse Domain Name System (DNS) is enabled. Otherwise, this value is set to the IP address specified by REMOTE_ADDR. |
REMOTE_USER | Specifies the user name supplied by the client and authenticated by the server. This comes back as an empty string when the user is anonymous. |
REQUEST_METHOD | Specifies the HTTP request method verb. |
SCRIPT_NAME | Not supported in ISA; will always return "w3proxy.dll". |
SERVER_NAME | Specifies the server's host name, or IP address, as it should appear in self-referencing URLs. |
SERVER_PORT | Specifies the TCP/IP port on which the request was received. |
SERVER_PORT_SECURE | Specifies a string of either 0 or 1. If the request is being handled on the secure port, then this will be 1. Otherwise, it will be 0. |
SERVER_PROTOCOL | Specifies the name and version of the information retrieval protocol relating to this request. |
SERVER_SOFTWARE | Returns "Microsoft-ISA/3.0". |
URL | Will return the request URL (after the request has been parsed). HTTP_Proxy_URL will also return this value. |
If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. The Win32® GetLastError function can be used to determine why the call failed. The following are the possible error values.