Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

Creating the Root ISA Object

You can access all ISA administration COM objects through a single root object. You must first create this root object and then use its properties to access subordinate objects in the object model. All server arrays and other configurational settings are accessed through the root object.

To create this root object in a scripting language such as VBScript or Microsoft JScript®, use the CreateObject function. Use the class name "FPC.Root", as in these examples:

When creating the root object in Visual Basic, use the following:

Dim objFPC As New FPCLib.FPC

CreateObject is also available to Visual Basic programmers and so, alternatively, the following can be used:

Dim objFPC As New FPCLib.FPC
Set objFPC = CreateObject("FPC.Root")

Creation of the root object is the first step in all ISA scripts. If you are using Visual Basic, you must have the Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 Administration Library selected as a project reference to create this object. Select the library in the Project References menu of the Visual Basic editor.

Note  A script that will be run from a remote administration computer must use the FPCDS object, as follows:

When creating the root object in Visual Basic, use the following:

Dim objFPC As New FPCLib.FPCDS


Dim objFPC As New FPCLib.FPC
Set objFPC = CreateObject("FPCDS.Root")

For more information on the FPCDS object, see FPC.