Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

Preventing Site Access for an Array

The following portion of Visual Basic code adds a new site and content rule, called "Emergency_Site_Restriction", on the array level. The rule serves only one function, to limit access to a particular site; for example, www.sitetoblock.tld.

Dim objFPC As New FPCLib.FPC
Dim array1 As FPCArray
Dim rules As FPCSiteAndContentRules
Dim rule As FPCSiteAndContentRule
Dim destinationset As fpcDestinationSet

'Set the variable array1 equal to the array on which the script is being run
Set array1 = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray
'Get the destination sets collection
Set DestinationSets = array1.PolicyElements.DestinationSets
'Add a destination set called "Emergency"
Set destinationset = DestinationSets.Add("Emergency")
'Add a destination called "www.sitetoblock.tld"
Set destination = destinationset.Add("www.sitetoblock.tld")
'Save the destination set

'Get the Site and Content Rules collection
Set rules = array1.ArrayPolicy.SiteAndContentRules
'Add a rule called "Emergency_Site_Restriction"
Set rule = rules.Add("Emergency_Site_Restriction")
'Define the rule action to deny access
rule.Action = fpcRuleActionDeny
'Define that the rule applies to all users, which is the default
rule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToAll
'Define that the rule applies to all content, which is the default
rule.AppliesToContentMethod = fpcAppliesToAllContent
'Define that the rule always applies
'Set the destination to which the rule applies
rule.SetDestination fpcSpecifiedDestinationSet, "Emergency", fpcArrayScope
'Save the rule


The VBScript derived from the preceding Visual Basic code is shown here. Note the setting of the enumerated types as constants, as described in Using Enumerated Types in Scripts.

const fpcRuleActionDeny = 1
const fpcAppliesToAll = 0
const fpcAppliesToAllContent = 0
const fpcSpecifiedDestinationSet = 3
const fpcArrayScope = 0

set isa = WScript.CreateObject("FPC.Root")
Set array1 = isa.Arrays.GetContainingArray
Set DestinationSets = array1.PolicyElements.DestinationSets
Set destinationset = DestinationSets.Add("Emergency")
Set destination = destinationset.Add("www.sitetoblock.tld")

Set rules = array1.ArrayPolicy.SiteAndContentRules
Set rule = rules.Add("myrule")
rule.Action = fpcRuleActionDeny
rule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToAll
rule.AppliesToContentMethod = fpcAppliesToAllContent
rule.SetDestination fpcSpecifiedDestinationSet, "Emergency", fpcArrayScope