Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK

Configuring Arrays

Each ISA Server computer is associated with an FPCArray object that represents an ISA Server array and provides access to the configuration settings of the ISA Server computer. The FPCArray object is an element of an FPCArrays collection. In ISA Server 2004 Standard Edition, this collection contains only one FPCArray object, which provides access to the configuration settings of a single ISA Server computer.

The FPCArrays collection can be accessed through the Arrays property of the ISA Server root object FPC.

You can retrieve an individual FPCArray object by using either of two methods:

The Item method of the FPCArrays collection retrieves an FPCArray object that you identify by index or name. Here is a VBScript example:

Set root = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
Dim array 
Set array = root.Arrays(1)

The GetContainingArray method of the FPC root object retrieves the FPCArray object that represents the array associated with the current ISA Server computer. The current ISA Server computer is the computer that executes the code calling this method. You can quickly retrieve the FPCArray object for this array by using code similar to this:

Set root = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
Dim array
Set array = root.GetContainingArray

The FPCArray object has properties that provide access to other parts of the administration object model, a factor that can be useful when setting up an ISA Server computer.

See Also

ISA Server Array Examples