Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK


The FPCAccount object defines an account for a user or a group of users. You can use this object to determine the account type, retrieve or change the account name, and allow or deny access. You can also define users that are not Windows users, and mixed sets of users. For more information see Defining Groups of Users.

The FPCAccount object is typically an element of an FPCAccounts collection.

Click here to see the ISA Server object hierarchy.


This object has no methods.


The FPCAccount object has the following properties.

Property Description
Account Gets or sets the name of the account, which can be specified in domain\user-name format.
AccountType Gets a value from the FpcAccountTypes enumerated type that specifies the type of the account.


This object implements the IFPCAccount interface.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also

COM Objects