Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK

DefaultAllowedAddressesInBindForClient Property of IFPCLowLevelSettings[C++]

FPCLowLevelSettings.DefaultAllowedAddressesInBindForClient [Visual Basic]


The DefaultAllowedAddressesInBindForClient property gets or sets the allowed-addresses flags that will be included in the dwFlags parameter of the BindForClient method.

HRESULT get_DefaultAllowedAddressesInBindForClient(
  long* plAllowedAddresses

HRESULT put_DefaultAllowedAddressesInBindForClient(
  long lAllowedAddresses


Pointer to a variable that on return receives a 32-bit integer specifying the allowed-addresses flags that will be included in the dwFlags parameter of the BindForClient method.
A 32-bit integer that specifies the allowed-addresses flags that will be included in the dwFlags parameter of the BindForClient method. This parameter can be any combination of the following flags:
Value Meaning
FWX_FLAG_ALLOW_ADDRESSES_IN_CLASS_C_NETWORK If all of the addresses specified in the ClientAddress parameter of the BindForClient method are in the same class-C network as the client, secondary connections to them will be allowed.
FWX_FLAG_ALLOW_ADDRESSES_IN_NETWORK If all of the addresses specified in the ClientAddress parameter are in the same network as the client, secondary connections to them will be allowed.
FWX_FLAG_ALLOW_ADDRESSES_ALL A secondary connection will be allowed to any address specified in the ClientAddress parameter.

Return Values

These property methods return S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, they return an error code.


This property is read/write.

The BindForClient method uses the flags specified in this property only when the dwFlags parameter does not include any of the flags listed earlier. Otherwise, the method uses the flags passed in the dwFlags parameter.

[Visual Basic]

The DefaultAllowedAddressesInBindForClient property gets or sets the allowed-addresses flags that will be included in the dwFlags parameter of the BindForClient method.

Property DefaultAllowedAddressesInBindForClient As Long

Property Value

A 32-bit integer that specifies the default allowed-addresses flags that will be included in the dwFlags parameter of the BindForClient method. The value of this property can be any combination of the following flags:
Value Meaning
FWX_FLAG_ALLOW_ADDRESSES_IN_CLASS_C_NETWORK If all of the addresses specified in the ClientAddress parameter of the BindForClient method are in the same class-C network as the client, secondary connections to them will be allowed.
FWX_FLAG_ALLOW_ADDRESSES_IN_NETWORK If all of the addresses specified in the ClientAddress parameter are in the same network as the client, secondary connections to them will be allowed.
FWX_FLAG_ALLOW_ADDRESSES_ALL A secondary connection will be allowed to any address specified in the ClientAddress parameter.


This property is read/write.

The BindForClient method uses the flags specified in this property only when the dwFlags parameter does not include any of the flags listed earlier. Otherwise, the method uses the flags passed in the dwFlags parameter.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also
