Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK


The WaitForChanges method registers to wait for an event indicating that the contents of the object have changed.

HRESULT WaitForChanges(
  DWORD hEvent


[in] An event that will be signaled whenever the contents of the object change.

Return Values

This method returns S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, it returns an error code.


This method can only be used in C and C++ programming languages. It cannot be used with DCOM.

After notification of the event, call the Refresh method to see the changes.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also
