Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK

FPCTunnelPortRanges Collection

The FPCTunnelPortRanges collection holds a set of FPCTunnelPortRange objects. Each FPCTunnelPortRange object represents a single range of tunnel ports. A tunnel port allows ISA Server to work as a data pump for communication to particular ports on an External server. Because this effectively bypasses ISA Server protocol rules, the external port ranges for which this is possible are set by default to 443–443 (the single port 443 for SSL) and to 563–563 (the single port 563 for NNTP).

The FPCTunnelPortRanges collection can be accessed through the TunnelPortRanges property of an FPCWebProxy object.

Click here to see the ISA Server object hierarchy.


The FPCTunnelPortRanges collection defines the following methods.

Method Description
AddRange Creates a new FPCTunnelPortRange object in the collection and returns a reference to it.
Item Retrieves the requested FPCTunnelPortRange object from the collection.
Refresh Reads the values of all the properties of the collection and its elements from persistent storage, discarding any changes that have not been saved.
Remove Removes the specified FPCTunnelPortRange object from the collection.
Save Writes the current values of all the properties of the collection and its elements to persistent storage.


The FPCTunnelPortRanges collection has the following properties.

Property Description
_NewEnum Gets an enumerator object for the collection.
Count Gets the number of FPCTunnelPortRange objects in the collection.


This collection implements the IFPCTunnelPortRanges interface.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also

COM Objects