Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK


FPCVendorParametersSets.Add [Visual Basic]


The Add method creates a new FPCVendorParametersSet object in the collection and returns a reference to it.

  BSTR Id,
  VARIANT_BOOL Encrypted,
  VARIANT_BOOL EncryptionReadable,
  IFPCVendorParametersSet** ppNewSet


[in] Required. The string-formatted globally unique identifier (GUID) of the new vendor parameters set.
[in, optional] A Boolean value that indicates whether data saved in the new FPCVendorParametersSet object will be encrypted. The default value is VARIANT_FALSE.
[in, optional] When this Boolean value is set to VARIANT_TRUE, encrypted data saved in the new FPCVendorParametersSet object can be read by any user account. When it is set to VARIANT_FALSE, encrypted data can be read only by the local system account and the network service account. The default value is VARIANT_FALSE.
[out] Address of an interface pointer that on return points to the new IFPCVendorParametersSet interface added.

Return Values

The method can return one of the following:


The GUID supplied is formatted as a string in the form {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc}. Note the presence of the braces normally used with GUIDs.

If an FPCVendorParametersSet object is added with the fEncrypted parameter set to VARIANT_TRUE and the fEncryptionReadable parameter set to VARIANT_FALSE, only calls made under the local system account or the network service account will be able to read the data stored in the object.

Note  When a user that has permission to access storage, but not to read the encrypted data, requests an FPCVendorParametersSet object that was created with these parameter settings, an empty FPCVendorParametersSet object is returned. Then, if that user makes changes to the object and saves it to persistent storage, the original FPCVendorParametersSet object will be overwritten, and only the data added by that user will be saved.

[Visual Basic]

The Add method creates a new FPCVendorParametersSet object in the collection and returns a reference to it.

Function Add( _
  ByVal Id As String, _
  [ ByVal Encrypted As Boolean ], _
  [ ByVal EncryptionReadable As Boolean ] _
) As FPCVendorParametersSet


[in] Required. The string-formatted globally unique identifier (GUID) of the new vendor parameters set.
[in, optional] A Boolean value that indicates whether data saved in the new FPCVendorParametersSet object will be encrypted. The default value is False.
[in, optional] When this Boolean value is set to True, encrypted data saved in the new FPCVendorParametersSet object can be read by any user account. When it is set to False, encrypted data can be read only by the local system account and the network service account. The default value is False.

Return Values

The method returns a reference to the FPCVendorParametersSet object added if the call is successful. Otherwise, an error is raised that can be intercepted by using an error handler.


The GUID supplied is formatted as a string in the form {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc}. Note the presence of the braces normally used with GUIDs.

If an FPCVendorParametersSet object is added with the fEncrypted parameter set to True and the fEncryptionReadable parameter set to False, only calls made under the local system account or the network service account will be able to read the data stored in the object.

Note  When a user that has permission to access storage, but not to read the encrypted data, requests an FPCVendorParametersSet object that was created with these parameter settings, an empty FPCVendorParametersSet object is returned. Then, if that user makes changes to the object and saves it to persistent storage, the original FPCVendorParametersSet object will be overwritten, and only the data added by that user will be saved.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also
