Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK

QuarantineSettings Property of IFPCVpnConfiguration[C++]

FPCVpnConfiguration.QuarantineSettings [Visual Basic]


The QuarantineSettings property gets an FPCVpnQuarantineSettings object that represents the quarantine settings for the virtual private network (VPN) gateway.

HRESULT get_QuarantineSettings(
  IFPCVpnQuarantineSettings** ppVpnQuarantineSettings


Address of an interface pointer that on return points to an IFPCVpnQuarantineSettings interface that represents the quarantine settings for the VPN gateway.

Return Values

This property method returns S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, it returns an error code.


This property is read-only. It can be modified by calling the properties and methods of the IFPCVpnQuarantineSettings interface retrieved.

A VPN quarantine uses the Network Access Quarantine Control feature of Windows Server 2003 to prevent remote VPN clients from obtaining normal remote access until the configuration of their systems has been examined by a server-provided script and validated as meeting the requirements of the organization's network policies. The connection to a remote VPN client can be closed if the time-out period elapses before the configuration is validated.

The clearing of VPN clients from a quarantine can be enabled by installing Remote Access Quarantine Agent (Rqs.exe) on the ISA Server computer and the Remote Access Quarantine Client utility (Rqc.exe) on VPN clients. Both of these utilities are available in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. Additional steps must also be performed. For detailed instructions about implementing the clearing of VPN clients from a quarantine, see VPN Roaming Clients in ISA Server 2004.

Alternatively, you can create a custom listener component that listens for messages from a matching notifier component running on quarantine-compatible remote access clients. These messages indicate that the scripts have been run successfully. Then your listening component can use the MprAdminConnectionRemoveQuarantine function to remove the quarantine restrictions from the remote access connections.

[Visual Basic]

The QuarantineSettings property gets an FPCVpnQuarantineSettings object that represents the quarantine settings for the virtual private network (VPN) gateway.

Property QuarantineSettings As FPCVpnQuarantineSettings

Property Value

Reference to an FPCVpnQuarantineSettings object that represents the quarantine settings for the VPN gateway.


This property is read-only. It can be modified by calling the properties and methods of the FPCVpnQuarantineSettings object retrieved.

A VPN quarantine uses the Network Access Quarantine Control feature of Windows Server 2003 to prevent remote VPN clients from obtaining normal remote access until the configuration of their systems has been examined by a server-provided script and validated as meeting the requirements of the organization's network policies. The connection to a remote VPN client can be closed if the time-out period elapses before the configuration is validated.

The clearing of VPN clients from a quarantine can be enabled by installing Remote Access Quarantine Agent (Rqs.exe) on the ISA Server computer and the Remote Access Quarantine Client utility (Rqc.exe) on VPN clients. Both of these utilities are available in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. Additional steps must also be performed. For detailed instructions about implementing the clearing of VPN clients from a quarantine, see VPN Roaming Clients in ISA Server 2004.

Alternatively, you can create a custom listener component that listens for messages from a matching notifier component running on quarantine-compatible remote access clients. These messages indicate that the scripts have been run successfully. Then your listening component can use the MprAdminConnectionRemoveQuarantine function to remove the quarantine restrictions from the remote access connections.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also
