Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK

ReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied Property of IFPCWebListenerProperties[C++]

FPCWebListenerProperties.ReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied [Visual Basic]


The ReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied property gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether to return a Proxy Authorization Required message when a user is authenticated by the ISA Server Web proxy but is denied access by the rules. By default, an access denied message is returned, and the user is not given the option of authenticating with different credentials.

HRESULT get_ReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied(
  VARIANT_BOOL** pfReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied

HRESULT put_ReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied(
  VARIANT_BOOL fReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied


Pointer to a Boolean variable that is set on return to VARIANT_TRUE if a Proxy Authorization Required message will be returned when a user is authenticated by the Web proxy but is denied access by the rules, or to VARIANT_FALSE if a Proxy Authorization Required message will not be returned when a user is authenticated by the Web proxy but is denied access by the rules.
Boolean value that indicates whether to return a Proxy Authorization Required message when a user is authenticated by the Web proxy but is denied access by the rules.

Return Values

These property methods return S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, they return an error code.


This property is read/write.

In the forward proxy scenario, when this property is set to VARIANT_TRUE, a user that is authenticated by the Web proxy but fails to pass the rules (for example, because they deny access to this user) receives HTTP error 407 (Proxy Authorization Required) and can try again using different credentials. If this property is set to VARIANT_FALSE, the user receives HTTP error 502 (Bad Gateway) with a resource denied error page, because the Web proxy denies access for the user request. In the reverse proxy scenario, the corresponding HTTP errors are 401 (Unauthorized: Logon Failed) and 403 (Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden).

[Visual Basic]

The ReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied property gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether to return a Proxy Authorization Required message when a user is authenticated by the ISA Server Web proxy but is denied access by the rules. By default, an access denied message is returned, and the user is not given the option of authenticating with different credentials.

Property ReturnAuthRequiredIfAuthUserDenied As Boolean

Property Value

Boolean value that indicates whether to return a Proxy Authorization Required message when a user is authenticated by the Web proxy but is denied access by the rules.


This property is read/write.

In the forward proxy scenario, when this property is set to True, a user that is authenticated by the Web proxy but fails to pass the rules (for example, because they deny access to this user) receives HTTP error 407 (Proxy Authorization Required) and can try again using different credentials. If this property is set to False, the user receives HTTP error 502 (Bad Gateway) with a resource denied error page, because the Web proxy denies access for the user request. In the reverse proxy scenario, the corresponding HTTP errors are 401 (Unauthorized: Logon Failed) and 403 (Forbidden: Execute Access Forbidden).


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also
