Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK

SendAcceptEncodingHeader Property of IFPCWebPublishingProperties[C++]

FPCWebPublishingProperties.SendAcceptEncodingHeader [Visual Basic]


The SendAcceptEncodingHeader property gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether ISA Server sends the original Accept-Encoding header received from the client to the published server.

HRESULT get_SendAcceptEncodingHeader(
  VARIANT_BOOL* pfSendAcceptEncodingHeader

HRESULT put_SendAcceptEncodingHeader(
  VARIANT_BOOL fSendAcceptEncodingHeader


Pointer to a Boolean variable that is set on return to VARIANT_TRUE if ISA Server sends the original Accept-Encoding header received from the client to the published server, or to VARIANT_FALSE if ISA Server deletes any Accept-Encoding header supplied by the client from the request forwarded to the published server.
Boolean value that indicates whether ISA Server sends the original Accept-Encoding header received from the client to the published server.

Return Values

These property methods return S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, they return an error code.


This property is read/write. Its default value is VARIANT_FALSE for an ordinary Web publishing rule and VARIANT_TRUE for an Outlook Web Access publishing rule created using the Mail Publishing Rule Wizard.

If a Web publishing rule allows the ISA Server computer to forward Accept-Encoding headers from clients to a Web server and a client sends an Accept-Encoding header indicating that it will accept compressed content, the Web server may send a compressed response (as indicated by its Content-Encoding header), which will be accepted by the ISA Server computer and forwarded to the client. However, the ISA Server computer will not cache the compressed content.

If a Web publishing rule instructs the ISA Server computer to delete all Accept-Encoding headers from requests sent to the Web server (the default setting) and the Web server nevertheless sends a compressed response, the ISA Server computer will not forward the response to the client.

[Visual Basic]

The SendAcceptEncodingHeader property gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether ISA Server sends the original Accept-Encoding header received from the client to the published server.

Property SendAcceptEncodingHeader As Boolean

Property Value

Boolean value that indicates whether ISA Server sends the original Accept-Encoding header received from the client to the published server.


This property is read/write. Its default value is False for an ordinary Web publishing rule and True for an Outlook Web Access publishing rule created using the Mail Publishing Rule Wizard.

If a Web publishing rule allows the ISA Server computer to forward Accept-Encoding headers from clients to a Web server and a client sends an Accept-Encoding header indicating that it will accept compressed content, the Web server may send a compressed response (as indicated by its Content-Encoding header), which will be accepted by the ISA Server computer and forwarded to the client. However, the ISA Server computer will not cache the compressed content.

If a Web publishing rule instructs the ISA Server computer to delete all Accept-Encoding headers from requests sent to the Web server (the default setting) and the Web server nevertheless sends a compressed response, the ISA Server computer will not forward the response to the client.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also
