Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK

Token Property of IFWXAuthenticatedWindowsUser

The Token property gets the token for a Windows user.

HRESULT get_Token(
  DWORD* phToken


[out] Pointer to a variable that on return receives a handle to a duplicate token.

Return Values

This property method should return S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, it should return an error code.


The Token property retrieves a handle to a duplicate token. Your implementation of the Token property must call DuplicateToken before the function returns. When you invoke the Token property, you must call CloseHandle on the token that you received.

Your implementation of IFWXAuthenticatedWindowsUser may return E_NOTIMPL for either the SID or Token property, but not both. It is not a requirement to support both properties, but one of the properties must have a meaningful implementation.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Wspfwext.idl.

See Also
