Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK


The IFWXNetConfigDetector interface is the interface that is used to register an application filter to receive notifications for network configuration detection (NCD) events. When an application filter is an NCD client, it can retrieve a snapshot of the current network configuration whenever a change in the configuration occurs. When the network configuration information is provided to a registered application filter, information about each element (address, adapter, network) of the configuration snapshot is provided separately.

NCD notifications are incremental. When a change in the network configuration occurs, the NCD mechanism informs its clients of the change in the configuration, such as a notification regarding the creation of a new network set, followed by a notification regarding the deletion of a network element. The last notification in every configuration change indicates the end of the information regarding the change. It informs the NCD client that it is now synchronized with the snapshot that the NCD mechanism holds. This synchronization notification also contains the new snapshot information.

The IFWXNetConfigDetector::Register method creates a registration handle, in which you can store and reuse information about the NCD objects you use. When an application filter registers as an NCD client, as part of the registration process it will receive all the incremental notifications required to compose the current network configuration snapshot.

For more information, see Using Network Configuration Detection.

Methods in Vtable Order

The IFWXNetConfigDetector interface inherits the methods of the standard COM interface IUnknown.

In addition, IFWXNetConfigDetector defines the following methods.

Method Description
Register Registers an application filter to receive NCD events.
Unregister Unregisters an application filter from receiving NCD events.
LookupNetworkElementByAddress Retrieves an IFWXNetworkElement interface that represents the ISA Server network to which the specified IP address belongs.
GetCurrentSnapshot Gets a pointer to an IFWXNetConfigDetectionSnapshot interface that represents a snapshot of the current network configuration.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Wspfwext.idl.

See Also

Filter Interfaces