Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK

Limiting the Property Sheet Display

The property sheet should display only on the relevant application filter.

To limit the property sheet display

  1. Select a unique attribute name for the application filter; for example, its GUID.
  2. Add the directory of the file Msfpccom.dll (SDK installation root\bin) to the include path.
  3. In Stdafx.h add the following #import statement:
    #import "msfpccom.dll" named_guids

    The #import directive is used to incorporate information from a type library. The content of the type library is converted into C++ classes, mostly describing the COM interfaces.

  4. In the the .cpp file where your snap-in is defined, add the if statement in the following example code to this method and change the GUID to the GUID of your application filter:
    HRESULT CFilterSnapInExtData::CreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider,
    	long handle, 
    	IUnknown* pUnk,
    	FPCLib::IFPCSnapinNodePtr spiFPCSnapinNode(m_pDataObject);
    	FPCLib::IFPCApplicationFilterPtr spiApplicationFilter(spiFPCSnapinNode->CurrentObject);
    	_bstr_t bstrGUID(spiApplicationFilter->GetGuid());
    	// if (type == CCT_SCOPE || type == CCT_RESULT) 
    	if (bstrGUID == _bstr_t("{7CCF6FF0-D995-4da1-B452-4228047B2D1D}"))  // Filter GUID
    		CFilterSnapInPage* pPage = new CFilterSnapInPage(handle, true, _T("FilterSnapIn"));
    		// The second parameter to the property page class constructor
    		// should be true for only one page.
    		// TODO : Add code here to add additional pages
    		return S_OK;
    	return E_UNEXPECTED;
  5. Build.
  6. Test. Run ISA Server Management. Notice that the property sheet appears only on the appropriate filter.