Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK

Web Proxy Log Fields

The following table lists the log fields that can be included in ISA Server Web proxy log entries by setting the corresponding bit in the LogFieldSelection property of the FPCLog object for Web proxy logging.

Bit number Field name (Log Viewer) Field name (MSDE files) Description
  0 Client IP ClientIP The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the requesting client.
  1 Client Username ClientUserName The account of the user making the request. A question mark (?) next to the user name indicates that the user name was sent but the user was not authenticated by ISA Server. If ISA Server access control is not being used, ISA Server uses Anonymous.
  2 Client Agent ClientAgent The name and version of the client application sent by the client in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) User-Agent header. When ISA Server is actively caching, this field is set to ISA Server.
  3 Authenticated Client ClientAuthenticate A value that indicates whether the client has been authenticated with the ISA Server computer. Possible values are Y and N.
  4 Log Date TimeStamp The date on which the logged event occurred.
  5 Log Time Not applicable The time when the logged event occurred. In W3C format, this is the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  6 Service service The name of the service that is logged. For example, fwsrv indicates the Microsoft Firewall service.
  7 Server Name servername The name of the ISA Server computer. This is the computer name assigned in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000.
  8 Referring Server referredserver If ISA Server is used upstream in a chained configuration, this field contains the name of the downstream server that sent the request.
  9 Destination Host Name DestHost The domain name for the remote computer that provides service to the current connection. A hyphen (-) in this field may indicate that an object was retrieved from the local cache and not from the destination.
10 Destination IP DestHostIP The network IP address of the remote computer that provides service to the current connection. A hyphen (-) in this field may indicate that an object was sourced from the local cache and not from the destination. One exception is negative caching. In that case, this field contains a destination IP address for which a negative cached object was returned.
11 Destination Port DestHostPort The reserved port number on the remote computer that provides service to the current connection. This is used by the client application initiating the request.
12 Processing Time processingtime The total time, in milliseconds, that is needed by ISA Server to process the current connection. It measures the time elapsed from the time when the server first receives the request to the time when final processing occurs on the server—when results are returned to the client and the connection is closed.

For cache requests that are processed through the ISA Server Web proxy, the processing time measures the elapsed server time needed to fully process a client request and return an object from the server cache to the client.

13 Bytes Received bytesrecvd The number of bytes sent from the remote computer and received by the client during the current connection. A hyphen (-), a zero (0), or a negative number in this field indicates that this information was not provided by the remote computer or that no bytes were received from the remote computer.
14 Bytes Sent bytessent The number of bytes sent from the client to the remote computer during the current connection. A hyphen (-), a zero (0), or a negative number in this field indicates that this information was not provided by the remote computer or that no bytes were sent to the remote computer.
15 Protocol protocol The application protocol used for the connection. Common values are Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Gopher, and Secure HTTP (HTTPS).
16 Transport transport The transport protocol used for the connection. Common values are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
17 HTTP Method operation The HTTP method used. Common values are GET, PUT, POST, and HEAD.
18 URL uri The contents of the URL request.
19 MIME Type mimetype The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type for the current object. This field may also contain a hyphen (-) to indicate that this field is not used or that a valid MIME type was not defined or supported by the remote computer.
20 Object Source objectsource The type of source that was used to retrieve the current object. A table of some possible values is provided in Object Source Values.
21 Result Code resultcode A Windows (Win32) error code (for values less than 100), an HTTP status code (for values between 100 and 1,000), or a Winsock error code (for values between 10,000 and 11,004). A table of some possible values is provided in Result Code Values.
22 Cache Info CacheInfo A number reflecting the cache status of the object, which indicates why the object was or was not cached. A table of some possible values is provided in Cache Information Values.
23 Rule rule The rule that either allowed or denied access to the request, as follows:
  • If an outgoing request was allowed, this field reflects the protocol rule that allowed the request.
  • If an outgoing request was denied by a protocol rule, this field reflects the protocol rule.
  • If an outgoing request is denied by an access rule, this field reflects the protocol rule that would have allowed the request.
  • If an incoming request was denied, this field reflects the Web publishing or server publishing rule that denied the request.
  • If no rule specifically allowed the outgoing or incoming request, the request is denied. In this case, the field is empty.
24 Filter Information FilterInfo The second rule that either allowed or denied access to the request, as follows:
  • If an outgoing request is allowed, this field reflects the access rule that allowed the request.
  • If an outgoing request is denied by an access rule, this field reflects the access rule that denied the request.
  • If no rule specifically allowed the outgoing or incoming request, the request is denied. In this case, the field is empty.
25 Source Network SrcNetwork The network from which the request originated.
26 Destination Network DstNetwork The network to which the request was sent.
27 Error info (ErrorInfo) ErrorInfo A 32-bit bitmask that provides additional information about the request that can help identify the source of the error if an error occurred. A table of the possible bit fields is provided in Error Information Bit Fields.
28 Action Action The action performed by the Microsoft Firewall service for the current session or connection. The possible values are defined in the FpcAction enumerated type.

Object Source Values

Source values Description
0 No source information is available.
Cache Source is the cache. Object returned from cache.
Inet Source is the Internet. Object added to cache.
Member Returned from another array member.
NotModified Source is the cache. Client performed an If-Modified-Since request and object had not been modified.
NVCache Source is the cache. Object could not be verified to source.
Upstream Object returned from an upstream proxy cache.
Vcache Source is the cache. Object was verified to source and had not been modified.
VFInet Source is the Internet. Cached object was verified to source and had been modified.

Result Code Values

Value Description
    200 OK.
    201 Created.
    202 Accepted.
    204 No content.
    301 Moved permanently.
    302 Moved temporarily.
    304 Not modified.
    400 Bad request.
    401 Unauthorized.
    403 Forbidden.
    404 Not found.
    500 Server error.
    501 Not implemented.
    502 Bad gateway.
    503 Out of resources.
10060 Connection timed out.
10061 Connection refused by destination.
10065 No route to host.
11001 Host not found.

Cache Information Values

Value Description
0x00000001 Request should not be served from the cache.
0x00000002 Request includes the IF-MODIFIED-SINCE header.
0x00000004 Request includes one of these headers: CACHE-CONTROL:NO-CACHE or PRAGMA:NO-CACHE.
0x00000008 Request includes the AUTHORIZATION header.
0x00000010 Request includes the VIA header.
0x00000020 Request includes the IF-MATCH header.
0x00000040 Request includes the RANGE header.
0x00000080 Request includes the CACHE-CONTROL: NO-STORE header.
0x00000100 Request includes the CACHE-CONTROL: MAX-AGE, or CACHE-CONTROL: MAX-STALE, or CACHE-CONTROL: MIN-FRESH header.
0x00000200 Cache could not be updated.
0x00000400 IF-MODIFIED-SINCE time specified in the request is newer than cached LASTMODIFIED time.
0x00000800 Request includes the CACHE-CONTROL: ONLY-IF-CACHED header.
0x00001000 Request includes the IF-NONE-MATCH header.
0x00002000 Request includes the IF-UNMODIFIED-SINCE header.
0x00004000 Request includes the IF-RANGE header.
0x00008000 More than one VARY header.
0x00010000 Response includes the CACHE-CONTROL: PUBLIC header.
0x00020000 Response includes the CACHE-CONTROL: PRIVATE header.
0x00040000 Response includes the CACHE-CONTROL: NO-CACHE or PRAGMA: NO-CACHE header.
0x00080000 Response includes the CACHE-CONTROL: NO-STORE header.
0x00100000 Response includes either the CACHE-CONTROL: MUST-REVALIDATE or CACHE-CONTROL: PROXY-REVALIDATE header.
0x00200000 Response includes the CACHE-CONTROL: MAX-AGE or S-MAXAGE header.
0x00400000 Response includes the VARY header.
0x00800000 Response includes the LAST-MODIFIED header.
0x01000000 Response includes the EXPIRES header.
0x02000000 Response includes the SET-COOKIE header.
0x04000000 Response includes the WWW-AUTHENTICATE header.
0x08000000 Response includes the VIA header.
0x10000000 Response includes the AGE header.
0x20000000 Response includes the TRANSFER-ENCODING header.
0x40000000 Response should not be cached.

Error Information Bit Fields

Value Descriptive code

See Also

Log Fields