Kaspersky Security Center Automation  10.0
Task settings format
		+---... <depending on the task type>

Some task attributes meanings.

"TASK_NAME" String Name of task type.
"TASK_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS" KlAkParams Container KlAkParams with task type-dependent settings.
"TASK_INFO_PARAMS" KlAkParams Container KlAkParams with task type-independent settings.
"TASK_DISPLAY_NAME" String Task display name.
"TASK_ENABLED_FLAG" Boolean Task "enabled" flag.
"PRTS_TASK_GROUPID" Integer Id of the administration group (see KlAkGroups interface) in case of group task. This attribute is absent or equal to -1 for a computer-set task.
"TASK_CREATION_DATE" Time UTC time when the task has been created.
"TASK_START_DELTA" Integer Randomization value.
"TASKSCH_RUN_MISSED_FLAG" Boolean Whether to execute the task if the time to run is missed.
"TASKSCH_FIRST_EXECUTION_TIME" Time Time when the task must be executed for the first time.

Possible values:

  • 2, run once a day, also 3 integer attributes must be specified: TASKSCH_ED_HOURS, TASKSCH_ED_MINS, TASKSCH_ED_SECS
  • 3, run once a week, also 4 integer attributes must be specified: TASKSCH_EW_DAY (a week day: 1 -- Monday, ... 7 -- Sunday), TASKSCH_EW_HOURS, TASKSCH_EW_MINS, TASKSCH_EW_SECS
  • 4, run once a month, also 4 integer attributes must be specified: TASKSCH_EM_DAY, TASKSCH_EM_HOURS, TASKSCH_EM_MINS, TASKSCH_EM_SECS
  • 6, run on week days, also 4 integer attributes must be specified: TASKSCH_WD_HOURS, TASKSCH_WD_MINS, TASKSCH_WD_SECS, TASKSCH_WD_DAYS (a days mask, bits 1..7, bit 0 is not used, Sunday is bit #1)