Kaspersky Security Center Automation
List of attributes that are common for all dashboard
Additional attributes
Name | Type | Description |
tmFinish | Time | End of time interval |
tmStart | Time | Beginning of time interval |
task_new_state | Integer | State of the task on the host |
nCount | Integer | Object count |
nCount64 | Long | Object count |
nCrtCount | Integer | Number of objects with status Critical |
nHiCount | Integer | Number of objects with status High |
nWrnCount | Integer | Number of objects with status Warning |
nOkCount | Integer | Number of objects with status OK |
nMax | Integer | Maximum |
nMean | Integer | Average |
nAvpPrdType | Integer |
Product type:
nVirType | Integer |
Detection type:
nVirRslt | Integer |
Curing result
wstrName | String | Name (of the host, account etc) |
nType | Integer | State or type (Protection, Networl Attack etc) |
nType2 | Integer | Extra state or type |
nLimit | Integer | Limitation |
nLimit2 | Integer | Limitation |
nCountActual | Integer | Number of objects in actual state |
nCountDay | Integer | Number of objects in actual state for a day |
nCount3Days | Integer | Number of objects in actual state for 3 days |
nCount7Days | Integer | Number of objects in actual state for 7 days |
nCountOld | Integer | Number of old objects |
nCountMinutesAgo | Integer | Number of hosts connected to the server for the given number of minutes ago |
nCountHourAgo | Integer | Number of hosts connected to the server for the hour |
nCount24hAgo | Integer | Number of hosts connected to the server for the 24 hours |
nCountLongAgo | Integer | Number of hosts connected to the server for more than 24 hours |
nNeverConnected | Integer | Number of hosts that have never connected to the server |
tmLastConnectionTime | Time | Time of the latest connection |
nLastRtpState | Integer | Real-time protection state |
KLVSRV_ID | Integer | Virtual server id; 0 means "Main server" |
nFileId | Long | Reserved |