Kaspersky Security Center Automation  10.0
"Additional dashboard attributes"

List of attributes that are common for all dashboard type.

Additional attributes

Name Type Description
tmFinish Time End of time interval
tmStart Time Beginning of time interval
task_new_state Integer State of the task on the host
nCount Integer Object count
nCount64 Long Object count
nCrtCount Integer Number of objects with status Critical
nHiCount Integer Number of objects with status High
nWrnCount Integer Number of objects with status Warning
nOkCount Integer Number of objects with status OK
nMax Integer Maximum
nMean Integer Average
nAvpPrdType Integer

Product type:

  • 0 - Workstation
  • 1 - File server
  • 2 - Mail server
  • 3 - Perimiter protection

nVirType Integer

Detection type:

  • 0 - Unknown
  • 60 - Virus
  • 61 - Trojan
  • 62 - Malware
  • 63 - Backdoor
  • 64 - Worm
  • 65 - Riskware
  • 66 - Adware
  • 67 - Pornware
  • -1 - Not-a-virus

nVirRslt Integer

Curing result

  • 0 - Not determined
  • 1 - Cured
  • 2 - Deleted
  • 3 - Not cured

wstrName String Name (of the host, account etc)
nType Integer State or type (Protection, Networl Attack etc)
nType2 Integer Extra state or type
nLimit Integer Limitation
nLimit2 Integer Limitation
nCountActual Integer Number of objects in actual state
nCountDay Integer Number of objects in actual state for a day
nCount3Days Integer Number of objects in actual state for 3 days
nCount7Days Integer Number of objects in actual state for 7 days
nCountOld Integer Number of old objects
nCountMinutesAgo Integer Number of hosts connected to the server for the given number of minutes ago
nCountHourAgo Integer Number of hosts connected to the server for the hour
nCount24hAgo Integer Number of hosts connected to the server for the 24 hours
nCountLongAgo Integer Number of hosts connected to the server for more than 24 hours
nNeverConnected Integer Number of hosts that have never connected to the server
tmLastConnectionTime Time Time of the latest connection
nLastRtpState Integer Real-time protection state
KLVSRV_ID Integer Virtual server id; 0 means "Main server"
nFileId Long Reserved