Kaspersky Security Center Automation  10.0
List of diagram creation attributes

List of diagram creation attributes

"KLDSH_OPT_FILENAME" String Output file name for the png image. This attribute is required.
"KLDSH_OPT_WIDTH" Integer Draw numeric values in the legend This attribute is required.
"KLDSH_OPT_HEIGHT" Integer Draw numeric values in the legend This attribute is required.
"KLDSH_OPT_DRAW_VALS_IN_LEGEND" Boolean Draw numeric values in the legend This attribute is optional, default value is true.

Diagram styles. Following flags joined with OR may be used.

  • 0x0001: Stack
  • 0x0002: Pie
  • 0x0004: Use series colors for data
  • 0x0008: Reserved
  • 0x0010: Horizontal columns
  • 0x0020: Square columns
  • 0x0040: Dissolving columns
  • 0x0080: Use column titles with balloons
  • 0x0100: Dull glass
  • 0x0200: Use curve instead of columns

This attribute is optional.
"KLDSH_OPT_STYLES_MASK" Integer Diagram styles mask. See "KLDSH_OPT_STYLES". This attribute is optional.
"KLDSH_OPT_COLORS" KlAkCollection Diagram counters colors. Each collection entry is an integer that describes color. Lowest byte (byte 0) is red channel, byte 1 is green, byte 2 is blue channel and highest byte (byte 3) must be zero. This attribute is optional.
"KLDSH_OPT_FONTNAME" String Name of the font. This attribute is optional.
"KLDSH_OPT_FONTSIZE" Integer Size of the font in pixels. This attribute is optional.
"KLDSH_OPT_FONTNAME_BOLD" String Name of the bold font. This attribute is optional.
"KLDSH_OPT_FONTSIZE_BOLD" Integer Size of the bold font in pixels. This attribute is optional.
"KLDSH_OPT_COLOR_BKG" Integer Background color. This attribute is optional. Default value is 0x00FFFFFF (white color).