Kaspersky Security Center Automation  10.0
List of event attributes.


Event severity. May have following values.

  • 1 – severity "Information"
  • 2 – severity "Warning"
  • 3 – severity "Error"
  • 4 – severity "Critical"

"product_name" String Product name *
"product_version" String Product version name *
"product_displ_version" String Product build
"hostname" String Host name – a unique server-generated string
"task_display_name" String Display name of the task
"hostdn" String Display name of the host
"group_name" String Name of the group where host is located
"group_id" Integer ID of the group where host is located
"event_id" Integer Event ID
"event_db_id" Long Event ID (64-bit) since AK 8.5
"event_type" String

Name of the event type. Following values are possible.

  • "KLPRCI_TaskState" – Task state changed, see "task_new_state" attribute.
  • "GNRL_EV_SUSPICIOUS_OBJECT_FOUND" – Suspicious object found.
  • "GNRL_EV_VIRUS_FOUND" – Virus found.
  • "GNRL_EV_OBJECT_CURED" – Object was cured.
  • "GNRL_EV_OBJECT_DELETED" – Object was deleted.
  • "GNRL_EV_PASSWD_ARCHIVE_FOUND" – Password-protected archive was found.
  • "GNRL_EV_OBJECT_QUARANTINED" – Object was put into quarantine.
  • "GNRL_EV_OBJECT_NOTCURED" – Object wasn't cured.

See also Parameters GNRL_EA_PARAM_* for some events.

"task_new_state" Integer

Task state (for events of type "KLPRCI_TaskState"). Following values are possible.

  • 1 – Task running
  • 2 – Task suspended
  • 3 – Task failed
  • 4 – Task completed successfully

"rise_time" Time UTC time when the event was published.
"registration_time" Time

UTC time when the event was registered at the Administration Server.

"GNRL_EA_PARAM_N" String Extra event parameters depending on event type "event_type", where N = 1..9, see Parameters GNRL_EA_PARAM_* for some events.