Kaspersky Security Center Automation  10.0
Public Member Functions | Properties
IKlAkTasks2 Interface Reference

import "klakaut.idl";

Inheritance diagram for IKlAkTasks2:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT  DeleteTask ([in] BSTR bstrTask)
HRESULT  GetTaskData ([in] BSTR bstrTask,[out, retval] IKlAkParams **ppData)
HRESULT  AddTask ([in] IKlAkParams *pData,[out, retval] BSTR *pstrTask)
HRESULT  UpdateTask ([in] BSTR bstrTask,[in] IKlAkParams *pData)
HRESULT  ProtectPassword ([in] BSTR bstrPassword,[out, retval] VARIANT *pProtectedPassword)
HRESULT  GetTask ([in] BSTR bstrTask,[out, retval] IKlAkParams **ppInfo)
HRESULT  EnumTasks ([in] long lGroup,[out, retval] IKlAkCollection **ppInfo)
HRESULT  RunTask ([in] BSTR bstrTask)
HRESULT  SuspendTask ([in] BSTR bstrTask)
HRESULT  ResumeTask ([in] BSTR bstrTask)
HRESULT  CancelTask ([in] BSTR bstrTask)
HRESULT  GetTaskStatistics ([in] BSTR bstrTask,[out, retval] IKlAkParams **ppInfo)
HRESULT  GetTaskHistory ([in] BSTR bstrTask,[in] IKlAkCollection *pFields2Return,[in] IKlAkCollection *pSortFields,[in] BSTR strHostName,[in] IKlAkParams *pFilter,[out, retval] IKlAkChunkAccessor **ppChunkAccessor)


IKlAkProxy  AdmServer [get, set]
VARIANT  Prop ([in] BSTR strName) [get, set]
KlAkObjType  Type [get]

Detailed Description

Group tasks.

Allows to acquire task attributes, enumerate, control and delete tasks.

One should set AdmServer property before using the object.
See JScript call sample below.

	var oObj = new ActiveXObject("klakaut.KlAkTasks2");
	oObj.AdmServer = ...;

See also IKlAkTasks