Kaspersky Security Center Automation  10.0
IKlAkLicense Member List
This is the complete list of members for IKlAkLicense, including all inherited members.
AdmServer IKlAkSrvObject
DeleteKeyInfo([in] BSTR bstrSerial) IKlAkLicense
EnumKeys([in] IKlAkCollection *pFields2Return,[in] IKlAkCollection *pSortFields,[in] IKlAkParams *pOptions,[out, retval] IKlAkChunkAccessor **ppChunkAccessor) IKlAkLicense
ExportKey([in] BSTR bstrSerial,[out, retval] IKlAkParams **ppInfo) IKlAkLicense
GetKeyData([in] BSTR bstrSerial,[out, retval] IKlAkParams **ppInfo) IKlAkLicense
InstallKey([in] IKlAkParams *pData) IKlAkLicense
LoadKey([in] BSTR strFilename,[out, retval] VARIANT *pKey) IKlAkLicense
Prop IKlAkSrvObject
Type IKlAkBase
UninstallKey([in] BSTR bstrSerial) IKlAkLicense