MASequenceConfiguration generates an XML configuration file that can be used as an input file for MASequencer. You can also use MASequenceConfiguration to start the sequence of management agent run profiles instead of masequencer.
Name | Description |
New | Creates a new XML configuration file. |
Open | Opens a saved XML configuration file. |
Save | Saves the current XML configuration file. |
Save As | Saves the current XML configuration file to a different location or file name. |
Exit | Closes MASequenceConfiguration |
Name | Description |
Start | Begins to run the sequence of management agent run profiles, as defined in the current XML configuration file. |
Pause | Pauses all management agent threads. |
Resume | Resumes running the sequence of management agent run profiles. |
Stop | Stops all management agent threads. |
Name | Description |
Server Name | The name of the MIIS 2003 server where the management agents to be run are stored. If no server is specified, then the local MIIS 2003 server is used. |
User Name | User account that is authorized to run management agents on the MIIS 2003 server. To run management agents, a user must be a member of the MIISAdmins security group or the MIISOperators security group. If the specified server name is the local host, then MASequenceConfiguration uses the credentials of the logged in user. |
Password | Password for the user account that is authorized to run management agents on the MIIS 2003 server. To run management agents, a user must be a member of the MIISAdmins security group or MIISOperators security group. If the specified server name is the local host, then MASequenceConfiguration uses the credentials of the logged in user. |
Log File | The results of a sequencing run are saved to a text file. Click the Browse button to select a path and file name for the log file. By default, MASequenceConfiguration creates a file named MASequenceConfiguration.log in the current working directory. |
Enable Console | Selecting Enable Console sets the Console attribute of the XML configuration file to "True." When MASequencer is run using an XML configuration file that has the Console attribute set to "True," it pauses and waits for a user selection. If the Console attribute is set to "False," it runs automatically. |
Add Thread | Select Add Thread to create a process thread that you will associate management agents with. Multiple management agents and run profiles can be associated with, and controlled by, each thread. For example, Thread1 can be configured to run three different management agents, or three different run profiles of the same management agent. |
Edit Thread | Edits the Thread name and Repeat count fields of the selected thread. |
Delete Thread | Deletes the selected thread. |
Thread Name | A user friendly name for the thread. The name must be alphanumeric, and cannot begin with a number. |
Repeat Count | The number of times the thread is run. Must be a number from 0 through 1000. |
Add MA | Select to configure a management agent to associate with a thread. You must select a thread before you can add a management agent. |
Edit MA | Edit the properties of the selected management agent. |
Delete MA | Deletes the selected management agent. |
MA Name | The name of the management agent as it appears on the MIIS 2003 server. |
Preprocessing | Enter any preprocessing commands, such as an application or
script, here. The commands are run before the management agent run
profile is run.
Wait Minutes | Specifies the time in minutes from the end of a management agent run profile to the start of the next management agent run profile within the current thread. For example, if Thread1 has two management agents, MA1 and MA2, and MA1 has a Wait Minutes value of 5, then MA2 begins 5 minutes after MA1 finishes, no matter how much time the management agent requires to run. The number must be from 0 through 120. |
Run Profile | The run profile name of the management agent as it appears on the MIIS 2003 server. |
Postprocessing | Enter any postprocessing commands, such as an application or
script, here. The commands are run after the management agent run
profile is run.
Continue on failure | If set to True, the thread will continue even if the management agent run fails. The default value is set to False. |
Sequencer Status | Displays real-time status as the management agent run profiles are run. |